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Goku asks Whis if Universe 7 can win easily but Whis doesn't know because he knows little about the other universes but mentions that there is a universe where a mortal lives in whom even that universe's God of Destruction cannot defeat and that God of Destruction happens to be stronger than Beerus; Beerus quickly corrects that claim by stating that the God of Destruction beat him in only an arm wrestling match. Mira and the Masked Saiyan use the opportunity to flee and Goku asks to try one of the pudding cups.
Beerus is surprised and impressed by Mira's audacity, though is amused it had been a while since he had encountered someone fearless enough to talk back to him.
Whis eventually watched the fight with Goku and Vegeta sparring with each other and discovered that their power has gone up substantially.
He was even offered a pass to eat anywhere in Satan City but declined this. Cornered, Zamasu attacks, but he is intercepted and easily destroyed by Beerus. In Age 779, Whis and Beerus arrive to eat the sundae Bulma promised them. Eventually, the Warrior manages to damage Frost enough for him to start returning to normal, causing Elder Kai to tell them to keep on attacking and Cabba starts to resist mentally after the Warrior manages to damage him enough, causing Chronoa to tell them to hurry up and finish Cabba off to return him to normal.
Goku is fighting Frieza while Vegeta stands nearby, and Whis comments they would be able to defeat Frieza by working together but will never be able to work together.
Beerus calms down and thanks the Warrior for their help and that it was some terrific fighting. As a result, Whis and Beerus travel to Age 852, preventing Whis from saving Goku and his friends from Frieza's Earth Breaker.
Future Trunks realizes that Monaka is useless in a fight which Chronoa confirms and that he was just someone that Beerus had brought along in order to motivate Goku and the other members of Team Universe 7. Before long Goku and Trunks head back to the future and return with the Future Zeno, whom Whis welcomes and takes to the present Zeno. Hit me up on Twitter @ SSGSS Goku tells Monaka to join in but Beerus declares that Monaka withdraws and explains that one on one matches are fine but in a brawl like this Monaka would kill everyone, though Goku is somewhat skeptical. In the alternate timeline, Goku mentions Whis when asking his whereabouts since Future Beerus is dead, and Shin tells him that Whis, being Beerus' "angel", ceased to exist after Beerus' death and would return only when a new God of Destruction is appointed.
After explaining this ability, Whis reverts time and Goku succeeds in killing Frieza.
"Super 17 (Cell Absorption)") is a transformation exclusive to Dragon Ball Heroes as part of the tenth mission of the Galaxy Mission series (GM10), where after having already absorbed Android 16, Super 17 also absorbs Cell in order to increase his power. Goku is crippled with stomach cramps after eating the pudding and Beerus is enraged to the point Whis claimed the last time he was this angry he extinguished two suns. When Beerus wakes up on their way home, Whis notes that Beerus hasn't used 100% of his power while fighting Goku, but he said so because he wanted Goku to unleash his power of a Super Saiyan God.
When he reversed time for three minutes, he states he only did so because Earth has so many fine delicacies, and not because he cares about the billions of lives on Earth. So Beerus, Whis, and the Warrior turn to Age 779 and Whis uses his Temporal Do-Over to rewind time, allowing the Warrior to stop Frieza from destroying the Earth causing Frieza and Metal Cooler to take on their Supervillain forms, only to be defeated by the combined might of SSGSS Goku, SSGSS Vegeta, and the Warrior. He also helps the Time Patrol by transporting Goku to In the manga, Whis is shown to care for his brother Whis is asked by Goku to be allowed to train with him, Whis agreed on the condition that Goku supplied him with tasty food, he also allows Vegeta to come along to the training.Whis spars with Goku and Vegeta, dodging their assault with ease even causing the two to ram into each other by mistake, Goku watches as Vegeta has a turn attacking Whis on his own and then proceeds to attack once Vegeta has been downed, Soon after, Whis finds he has been messaged by Bulma, she informs him that Frieza has returned, so he tells Goku and Vegeta, who teleport back to Earth to confront him. Whis and Beerus decide to return home and the Earth is spared like in the original history.