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The Return of Loza's M4-A2 Sherman!

Latest News. The iconic Rudy is back in the shop. If you aren’t familiar with World of Tanks (or WOT for short), is a popular team-based massively multiplayer online action game.

If you are purchasing a gift for another tank commander, select this option!When selected, two new fields will appear, allowing you to enter the nickname of the player to whom you are gifting. To see the final cost, click the button for the selected payment method. WOT - free-to-play online multiplayer tank battles simulator made on the basis of the famous wars and the modern war vehicles from Wargaming. The list of gifts will be shown in the A recipient may accept a gift or refuse it. With World of Tanks Premium Account, apply an additional x3 multiplier to experience earned in your latest victorious Random Battle 5 times a day.

Most premium tanks benefit from greater credit income than regular tanks. Premium Shop Guide for World of Tanks - full information about premium tanks, WoT gold and premium accounts. DT Spare Parts is a brand of Diesel Technic SE, Wehrmannsdamm 5-9, 27245 Kirchdorf, Germany.

To see the final cost, click the button for the selected payment method. © 2009–2020 Selecting another region may affect the website content. The final cost of virtual goods may vary depending on the selected payment method.

Fight in 7vs7 team battles alone or with friends, research and upgrade armored vehicles, experiment with different tactics and win. Premium Shop Offers 30 Days WoT Premium Account, Free Tank & More! The final cost of virtual goods may vary depending on the selected payment method. Convert the experience gained on elite vehicles into Free Experience and accelerate vehicle research. Wargaming, the publisher of World of Tanks, has been developing the game since 2010 and has over 100 million registered users. Next news item. Selecting another region may affect the website content. You can buy another item that costs up to:  ₩You have reached your purchase limit for this month and cannot make any further purchases.

A tank destroyer with the precision of a scalpel and the deadliness of a shark in shallow waters. Purchase Premium vehicles to earn more credits and experience. ‘Why would I spend real money on a game?’ u may ask.

You cannot buy this item. To see the final cost, click the button for the selected payment method. Premium Shop. If a recipient does not respond within If a recipient already has a gift package tank, she or he is entitled to a compensation of a full tank cost in gold, which will be credited to their account automatically.Buying items and bundles from our Premium Shop has never been easier! Menu World of Tanks Its price exceeds your remaining monthly limit. Boost your … T-34-85 Rudy: One Tank—Two Nations Reserve Stock WoT PA Reserve Stock: receive an extra bonus of up to 750,000 credits within 7 days.

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British Starter Pack $9.99. Selecting another region may affect the website content.

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Actually popular is a bit of an understatement. The legendary tank shooter. Support; Legal documents; Southeast Asia (English) A … © 2009–2020

The “On Track” World of Tanks events are another avenue that can lead to a free Premium tank. You may choose various gift packages in the World of Tanks Premium Shop. Promo-code. All news. Commanders, you have a great opportunity to make your friends happy with welcome presents, including exclusive or premium tanks and a handsome amount of gold.You may choose various gift packages in the World of Tanks After purchasing a gift, your friend will receive an email notification about the gift receipt. There is a countdown counter under every sale item title showing how much time remains on the availability of the discount.In order to get items on sale, pick the respective category.Choose the desired item, click “Purchase” and follow the payment instructions. A tank is made up of thousands of moving parts, but the most important is YOU. Premium Shop. Galactic standards Pay with a gift card Starships Premium License . No man left behind! Special 3D Styles for IS-3 & Kranvagn Premium Shop Offers Discuss.

More than 160,000,000 players.