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NO • "Sports Law Analyst Daniel Lust backed up Wallach's take by noting that Ford's opposition to summary judgement in the North Carolina case presented an opportune time to present tangible evidence that Williamson did, in fact, receive compensation to play. The discovery process in the suit against Zion Williamson is likely to include deposing legendary Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski, the attorneys told Sports Illustrated on Monday.Why would any top prospect play college basketball after seeing Jalen Green's G League deal?Zion Williamson currently will not have to answer discovery questions from former marketing manager Gina Ford about whether he or his parents received money or benefits before or while he attended Duke.Zion Williamson is headed to Duke, giving the Blue Devils the top three recruits in the 2018 class. What Zion Williamson's commitment to Duke means. It is $3k just to get into Cameron and Zion doesn’t get a dime.
Under North Carolina law, his status as an amateur would nullify his agreement with Prime Sports Marketing.Days after declaring for the 2019 NBA Draft following his freshman season at Duke, Williamson signed with Prime Sports Marketing. Zion Lateef Williamson (born July 6, 2000) is an American professional basketball player for the New Orleans Pelicans of the National Basketball Association (NBA). "Student-athlete" status also attaches by playing in the games; [and] 3.
If the legitimacy of Williamson's amateurism became a key point of contention in a courtroom, it's feasible that witnesses from the Duke basketball program could be placed under oath and questioned about the allegations that Williamson and his family received inducements for him to play for the Blue Devils.Prime Sports Marketing's request for admissions from Williamson are not the first instance of an accusation that Duke broke NCAA rules with Williamson.Michael Avenatti previously alleged that Nike paid Williamson, ostensibly steering him to Duke, which is a Nike-sponsored program. So by accusing Williamson and his family of accepting impermissible benefits, Prime Sports Marketing appears to be attempting to cast doubt on whether he was truly an amateur and whether the North Carolina law should apply anyway since their agreement started after he declared for the draft. [The] UAAA protects athletes, not agents. "We found no evidence to support any allegation.
Avenatti has since been found guilty of attempting to extort Nike.For its part, Duke spokesman Michael Schoenfeld said in a September statement to the "As soon as Duke was made aware of any allegation that might have affected Zion Williamson's eligibility, we conducted a thorough and objective investigation which was directed by individuals outside the athletics department," Schoenfeld wrote.
Zion Williamson lawsuits: What we know about ex-Duke star's legal battle with former agency The latest: An allegation on July 9 that Williamson's family was paid $400,000 before his …
Zion Williamson is headed to Duke, giving the Blue Devils the top three recruits in the 2018 class. section: | slug: zion-williamson-lawsuits-what-we-know-about-ex-duke-stars-legal-battle-with-former-agency | sport: collegebasketball | route: article_single.us | Learn about Zion Williamson and other recruit player profiles on RecruitingNation.com.