The 27% accuracy of main guns prove my difficulties with aiming in Mino (we won‘t speak about torpedo accuracy here ).Yamato, thus featuring a 57% win rate, just has 14 random battles so far, but an even more disappointing 41k average dmg per game (best was only 97k).You see, I‘m struggling to perform well in both ships, so any help and constructive feedback is welcome as well as your thoughts on the skills and upgrades.Please spare yourself with posts along the lines of „you suck“ or „just train more“ – both is not helpfull at all and I allready know that myself.
X. Yamato. World of Warships – herunterladen und kostenloses online multiplayer spiel über Kriegsschiffe spielen, werde Teil der EU Community von WoWS But the thickest plates were not on the sides, but found on the faces of the turrets, at an impressive thickness of 26” at most; they were truly impregnable from the front.
The pinnacle of all Japanese battleship design philosophy and possibly of the entire world, She also has an alternative permanent camo, "K-117" obtainable by completing the Design work on this new class of battleships commenced in 1934, the year Japan pulled out of the League. Basic unlocked weapons. To move such a heavy vessel, the class used 12 Kampon oil-fired boilers, which fed to 4 turbines. This gave the battleships the ability to hurdle 13 tonnes on ordinance onto a target up to 42 kilometers away at a pace of 1.5 - 2 salvos per minute. Did … in captain skills. You need to play a total of 10 battles to post in this section. Captains wanting to focus on secondaries should pick up Basic Firing Training, Advanced Firing Training, and possibly Manual Fire Control for Secondary Armament.
19 votes L19. Drop the secondary range upgrade and take Aiming Systems Mod 1. 25 votes L19. Die Anfang Dezember 1943 plante die japanische Führung, die Trotz des erheblichen Schadens erreichte sie den Liegeplatz in Truk, wo zunächst von einem Werkstattschiff provisorische Reparaturen durchgeführt wurden. Im Verlauf des Monats März wurde zudem Treibstoff gebunkert, wurden die Munitionsvorräte ergänzt und Zielübungen für die Flugabwehr durchgeführt. In unserem Guide zeigen wir euch, welche Skills sich lohnen. Ultimately, it was narrowed down to conventional turbine propulsion, as previous experimentation with diesel propulsion for a capital ship proved problematic. This was a compromise the designers were willing to take, but went against their venerated belief of speed is key. Therefore, upcoming games with a mere announcement and no discernible release date will not be included.2020 has a ton to look forward the video gaming world. This thread is archived. share. I need some advice on the skill set I've planned since I've made some bad decisions before and I don't wanna have to use gold to reset more than once for this captain. You'll rarely ever be sitting there thinking "gosh I wish I had one more heal".
Die Yamato (jap.
63% Upvoted. I simply don‘t have enough visual to reliably hit anything. Hello, fello captains! Yamato is a super static ship so you need the survivability and since Yamato has a very high citadel she needs all the concealment she can get to safely turn without getting 20-30K salvoes hitting you. The top was capped with a plate about 8” thick, made of improved homogeneous armor.
The belt was no less than 16.1”, and the bulkheads were a tad thinner at 13.7”. The only thing the Yamato has going for it over other T10 BBs is armour (not citadel though), torpedo belt and most importantly the guns. Kapitänsfertigkeiten in World of Warships haben großen Einfluss auf euer Schiff. Furthermore, the armored deck was sloped at the outboard edges, thickened to 9", to save on some weight by reducing belt height. Visitors to the Yamato Museum examine the museum's 1:10 scale model of the battleship in 2006.
The bulges were adequate in their depth, but the riveted seam between the upper and lower belt was directly underneath the bulge, which was shown to be prone to rupture upon impact.
The biggest warship of World War II and the world's largest battleship. Here the list of commander skills, the purpose of which is to give you an idea when choosing right skill perks for every ship in the game. 84 votes L19. 131 votes L19. Also, how viable is a concealment build on Yamato? Right now I‘m concentrating my efforst on unlocking the legendary upgrades for both ships mentioned in the title as well as finding the proper upgrades and captain‘s skills to round them to a working and sucsessful whole.Captain (17/19 points; 2 not spent) – Priority Target – Adrenaline Rush & Jack of all Trades – Superintendent & Survivability Expert – Concealment Expert & (Advanced Firing Training)Upgrades: – Main Armament Mod 1 – Damage Control Mod 1 – AA Armament Mod 1 – Steering Gears Mod 2 – Concealment System Mod 1 – Main Armament Mod 1Consumables: Damage Control Party – Repair Team – Hydro – Smoke GeneratorCaptain (11/19 points; 1 not spent): – Preventive Mainenance – Expert Marksman & (Adrenalin Rush) – Superintendent & (Basics of Survivability) – Concealment Expert & (Fire Prevention)Upgrades: – Main Armaments Mod 1 – Damage Control Mod 1 – Aiming System Mod 1 – Damage Control Mod 2 – Concealment System Mod 1 – Main Armament Mod 3Consumables: Damage Control Party – Repair Team – Catapult FighterThe captain‘s talents in () are planned so far, but not taken yet because of lack of points.I was thinking of switching Mino‘s slot 6 for additional range, but aiming on max distance is allready rather difficult; especially when shooting from behind islands. During 1944, the balance of naval power in the Pacific decisively turned against Japan, and by early 1945 its fleet was much depleted and badly hobbled by critical fuel shortages in the home islands.
To do so, it required the armor to maintain sustaining power in a firefight.
How to Play IJN Japanese Battleships Yamato World of Warships Wows Gameplay Guide Video Highlights + Full Ship Build and Captain Skills.