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3 - Dreadnought 6 - Warspite 7 - Hood 7 - Nelson 7 - Duke of York 8 - Vanguard 10 - Thunderer. What have we done to deserve this, Wargaming?Press J to jump to the feed. Damn, now I have to reset captain perks again... On a serious note, this is mine. Though speaking of tier X Battleships this build is particularly good for Yamato (This build is very specific and you may not like it even on ships it’s particularly good for, because of the negative impact on survivability. 10 - [Audacious] U.S.S.R. Battleship. For example, based on what you've said you have a US battleship captain, but haven't touched French battleships, so I expect you won't have a captain for Jean Bart. Aircraft Carrier. Preventive Maintenance and Expert Loader are quite viable, too. Thunderer exists as the sister-ship of the Tier X U.K. battleship, Conqueror.As such, she shares many of Conqueror's in-game performance characteristics and weaknesses. Second-order skills have far less impact on play.In World of Warships, this build may be considered as the most versatile and can be used for any Battleship of any tier. Thanks!Current upgrades: Main Arm 1, Damage 1, Damage 2, Aiming 1, Concealment 1, Main Battery 3Current captain skills: Prev Maint, JOAT (this is -10% b/c of special captain), Supernintendo Chalmers, Concealment Expert, Fire Prevention.Adrenaline rush + Expert Marksman + Expert Loader. Despite the similarities, Thunderer possesses certain distinguishable traits that differentiate her. Hi all, I have a Thunderer with Bert Dunkirk and want to know how to spend my remaining captain points.
Discussion. No wonder that these ships tend to higher win rate. References to specific designs, models, manufacturers, and/or modifications of ships and aircraft are used only for the purpose of historical consistency and do not assume any funding or other involvement in the project on the part of the holders of trademarks. Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Awards: 15 . On the other hand, making a tradeoff between the secondary armament and survivability increases the ship’s survivability, but impacts the damage dealt by your secondary armament.The good news is that the selection of some secondary armament-focused skills also increases the AA efficiency. Player Leaderboards. The guns of the Thunderer are her bread and butter. This ship was designed as a battleship with increased firepower on the basis of the British experience in ship construction gained during World War II. In Smolensk's case, there is a 10-point Russian captain available for Coal in the Armory, if you're willing to wait for more Coal. Smolensk well if you can’t beat em, join em. Never submarines, they said. As for second-order skills, I believe you can make your own decision, though I’ll try giving a list of recommended second-order skills for your consideration.
I have used 14 Captain points and have 5 remaining. Pretty much a generic BB build that you can use on pretty much everything.
It’s a horrendous ship, everything that is wrong with WoWs at the moment, spam spam spam that HE Thunderer, this boat is my pride and joy at the moment, I love it! Test Ship. Forums » Recommended Captain Builds » General Information » Flambass Complete list of Ship and Captain builds » » » Tweet. – World of Warships: British Tier X Battleship Thunderer Review. The most logical pick to me for those 3 points is JOAT and expert loader (though if you're Expert Loader, Priority Target, Expert Marksman, Jack of All Trades, Superintendent, Concealment Expert, Fire Prevention, Adrenaline RushAuxArmament Mod 1, Damage Control System Mod 1, Aiming System Mod 1, Steering Gears Mod 2, Concealment System Mod 1, Main Battery Mod 3With such high base fire chance and low rate of fire DE will give you negligable boost, not worth investing. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Jump to: To log in, select the region where your account is registeredNo boost to continuous damage in a reinforced sector.The enemy is alerted that a bearing has been taken. Gunboats. I am thinking of selecting High Alert and BOS to really tank things out...but I also want to avoid f'ing this up.See my build below and any advice is most appreciated! Particularly good for Battleships Ohio, Georgia, Massachusetts (This build is particularly good for Soviet tier X Battleship Kremlin and lower tier After the rebalance of IFHE in 2020 this skill is detremental to Battleships! References to specific designs, models, manufacturers, and/or modifications of ships and aircraft are used only for the purpose of historical consistency and do not assume any funding or other involvement in the project on the part of the holders of trademarks. The project was notable for the 457 mm main guns, which were developed in the early 1920s and were the most powerful British naval artillery systems.
With guns. Jump to: To log in, select the region where your account is registeredNo boost to continuous damage in a reinforced sector.The enemy is alerted that a bearing has been taken. Leaderboard Spotlight On the contrary, ships available for Coal and Free XP are the most accessible and hence tend to 50% win rate. I have a Thunderer with Bert Dunkirk and want to know how to spend my remaining captain points. 3 - Campbeltown 6 - Gallant 8 - Cossack. Posts: 65 . Players owning these ships have more experience and a higher win rate than an average WoWS player.
5 - Exeter 6 - London 7 - Belfast 8 - Cheshire. Official website of the award-winning free-to-play online game World of Warships. Well, you can slot pretty much everything on …
WoWS Stats & Numbers - best online tool for stats browsing and progress tracking for World of Warships. Damn, now I have to reset captain perks again... On a serious note, this is mine. References to specific designs, models, manufacturers, and/or modifications of ships and aircraft are used only for the purpose of historical consistency and do not assume any funding or other involvement in the project on the part of the holders of trademarks. Action stations! 0 replies [RDML] Spastic1.
I am thinking of selecting High Alert and BOS to really tank things out...but I also want to avoid f'ing this up.
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Well, you can slot pretty much everything on …