You can update your stats instantly, just close your wows client and click "take snapshot" in the player's profile page. no users online This is because the most alive Events calendar is only for WoT on RU cluster. Suggestions are also taken into great consideration for future development.All information and services on this site are provided without express or implied warranty of any kind. Scripts complaining on out of memory, I have only 512Mb RAM.
First DB entry was made on May 21, 2015 at 18:56 MSK.Как вы возможно заметили, график онлайна для World of Warplanes застыл на дате 12 Октября. WoWS Stats&Numbers -World of Warshipsのための統計閲覧と進行状況の追跡のための最適なツールです。スコアボード、艦船の統計と情報、ランクとチームバトルなどなど Statistics includes charts, achievements and detailed ships stats with changes over time.
Statistics includes charts, achievements and detailed ships stats with changes over time. You can report any bugs/errors you found. Also filters for events added as well.Добавил статистику онайлна по ивентам на РУ кластере для танков. Here you can track any World of Warships players statistics.
Leaderboards, ships statistics and configurations, ranked and team battles and much much more All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. Right now it's limited to World of Tanks and RU cluster. So, added new page with online statistics by events. Сегодня сайту исполняется 5 лет! Для кораблей, к сожалению, календаря событий пока что нету, так что извиняйте :)So, added new page with online statistics by events.
WoWS Stats & Numbers - best online tool for stats browsing and progress tracking for World of Warships. | Added online stats by event, only WOT and RU cluster en. I've chatted with WG Devs and thay said that from this moment they won't provide WoWP online stats because it was removed from client with 2.0 update.Завел так же твиттер аккаунт для бота, который постит грядущие события в танках-самолетах.Немного оптимизировал SQL запросы, так что теперь должно быть побыстрее :)I've just made some optimizations on SQL request, so it should be faster now :)We have some problems with charts by server. А точнее нехватает памяти, на сервере всего 512Mb :( Буду переделывать график, чтож поделать.Собсвенно, добавил ивенты, которые смог достать для кластеров и игр. This page allows you to determine the current development of World of Warship players. Так же присутствует удобный, наверное, фильтр для типов ивентов.So, I've added event for all clusters and games that I have or can get events. Guests: 1, Веди в бой легендарные корабли, завоюй моря World of Warships. In addition, you can view statistics of the past 24 hours, 7 days and 30 days. This is because the most alive Events calendar is only for WoT on RU cluster.Логинимся в свой аккаунт на сайте WG, нажимаем Активировать бонускод и вводим Все вопросы, предложения и пожелания Вы можете оставить на You can update your stats instantly, just close your wows client and click "take snapshot" in the player's profile page.You can see the table of expected ships value used to calculate your PR rating at Do you like This website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. Welcome to WoWs‑ You can update your stats whenever you want, just close your wot client and click "take snapshot" in the player's profile page. World of Warships is a trademark of
В планах добавить статистику по самолетам для РУ кластера. Leaderboards, ships statistics and configurations, ranked and team battles and much much more Right now it's limited to World of Tanks and RU cluster. Поговорив в разрабами выяснилось, что они молча выпилили выгрузку онлайна для салолётов, объяснив это тем, что с версией 2.0 из клиента выпилили этот счетчик.As you can see online chart for World of Warplanes for all regions stuck at Oct, 12.
Первая запись в базе была сделана 21 мая 2015 года в 18:56 по московскому времениToday is 5Y Anniversary. WoWS Stats & Numbers - best online tool for stats browsing and progress tracking for World of Warships.
Users (0): WN8 reference This website calculate World of Tanks players WN8 rating, and assigns a different color according to the official WN8 specification at . Will try to redesign chart to reduce memory usage.Есть некоторые проблемы с отображением графиков по серверам. Welcome to, a World of Warships Statistics Tracker. You can contribute to the monthly servers costs and help keep the website updated and stable with your donations, in any amount.Your help is always appreciated!