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only thing with Georgia is that it has only 3 twin turrets and Jean Bart has 2 quad turrets forward, reload time is the same at 26 seconds anyone? Short of hoovering her up in a Christmas crate later on in the year, get her before patch 0.9.3 or miss out. Sign in to follow this . 8 forward facing rifles can put the hurt on many would be advancing reds. I really wanted Thunderer next. They are very fun and unique. Jean Bart, mostly because it will be removed first and the Georgia will still be around in Decemember when the next ship discount ticket rolls around. It's a fun BB, and the butt secondaries will surprise you (and possibly a careless DD). It's worth delaying the Thunderer for. How much do you have? This and the Jean Bart is a ship that really existed. With the new of the removal of the Jean Bart in the armory for coal, it never mentioned if it was being removed from premium shop sale as well. Link to post Share on other sites. Most shots are fine, but a bad roll can easily ruin a perfect salvo. Personally, I think the MBRB and forward turrets of Jean is the more fun, but Georgia has the high end speed, fast reloading repair party, and good dispersion at her disposal.

Well dang. I picked the Georgia simply because I have more American captains available and use the Massachusetts captain, which works great because of the excellent secondaries on Georgia. 13,553 battles [WG-EU] Commander_Cornflakes Localization QA Engineer; WG Team; WoWs Wiki Team; 3,500 posts; 13,553 …

Is JB worth $77 cash?


With the new of the removal of the Jean Bart in the armory for coal, it never mentioned if it was being removed from premium shop sale as well. I really wanted Thunderer next. Members. Can anyone shine some light on this? 389 exray0. [GWG] Neither ship will dissapoint. Is JB worth $77 cash? If you're asking if JB is a strong and fun ship, then the answer is yes.

1 Share this post. I have not found dispersion to be a major problem with Georgia and getting Main Battery Mod 3 cuts reload down to 23 seconds so having only six guns does not seem much of a issue. I think they're going to keep Smolester off the market for quite a while, and it wouldn't surprise me if the JB was also a candidate for treasured status. Afaik, we have yet to see a arsenal ship removed... but it would of course be Jean that goes first. Anyone taking odds on the Smolensk and Jean Bart ending up in the Xmas crates? Simply put, it's a question of what gimmicks you value. Is JB worth $77 cash? Link to post Share on other sites. Been saving up for her since I used my coal for Smolly and Thunderer before the announcement. In the context of her permanent removal, it makes sense not ... of a decision it was on WG's part to insist on not touching "le gimmick" and nerf other aspects of the ship to balance Jean Bart. Then shells strike her upper (330mm) or lower (250mm) belt, though the latter will usually necessitate plunging through water first, further reducing penetration. Problem is I used my Coupon for the Thunderer and it doesn't renew until  June. Alabama, Asashio, Atago, Kidd, Saipan, Tirpitz Both ships get good secondaries and great speed boost (both get the special upgrade too), so there is a lot in common. 3,997 posts [SIDE] thebigblue 2,020 Commander; Members; 2,020 3,997 posts; Report post #2; Posted February 6.

You need to play a total of 5 battles to post in this section. Well dang. Umbaretz confirmed she'll be pulled entirely.

Few ships can bow tank and hold down an area like one of those 3 ships. If you have, or can easily earn, enough to get the JB before she's pulled, get her first. WG Team, WoWs Wiki Team. Turret layout may look like it's designed to fight bow on but this is a trap, forget bow in camping, angling in and angling away while moving is the way to go. I really wanted Thunderer next. Jean Bart's citadel protection is complicated, formed up of no less than four layers, two of which aren't pictured here.

428 posts. ???? I will receive a 25% coupon on June 22nd to get a ship with my coal, I was about to get Jean Bart but WOW added Georgia for the same amount of coal I asked. I figured on getting Thunderer first, then saving for JB, but WG seems to have made my mind up for me on the order. I might cut it close.

4,151 battles. Aslain.com is powered by ...support us today and get a professional Quality game server from BlackBoxServers.net Spoiler Downloads for World of Warships Aslains WoWs ModPack v9.6.1 #04 (~95 MB) torrent link #0 [direct] download link #1 … Well dang. Share this post. [GWG] I have 97K Coal now and 1400 Steele. Also if you hate having to roll the dice on your dispersion, 2x3 on Georgia can get VERY frustrating. Dunkerque and Jean Bart are pretty similar in how they should be played, they are both fast with high pen guns but don’t have overmatch against a lot of targets, not a lot of armour and should be used as flankers. They're faster and more maneuverable than the Ruskies.

Get the JB.