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This way, the firing efficiency is significantly increased.Reduces the risk of fire and maximum damage caused by fire by decreasing the number of potential fire sourcesIncreases the armor penetration capacity of HE shell fired from both main and secondary battery guns at the expense of decreasing the chance of setting the enemy ship on fireExtends firing range of main guns with a caliber up to and including 139 mm and secondary battery gunsSignificantly improves the efficiency of large caliber AA guns firing at priority targets designated by the playerShows the direction to the nearest enemy ship. Captain builds can be tested & sent to other warship players The greater the difference between the tiers, the greater the increase.A Warning about the risk of exposure to long-range artillery fire is displayed (shells time to target is more than 6 seconds)Decreases the airspeed of the strike aircraft, but also reduces their detectability and increases their HP when returning to the carrierIncrease the speed of torpedoes launched from both ships and aircraft by reducing torpedo rangeIncreases efficiency of self-defense armament for aircraft with rear gunnersIncreases reload speed of all armament as the ship HP is reducedWhen the engine or steering gears are incapacitated, they continue to operate but with a penaltyAccelerates repairs to the modules, firefighting, and recovery from floodingReduces reload time of torpedo tubes and servicing time of torpedo bombersMakes it possible to launch and recover the aircraft while the ship is on fire.Improves effectiveness of main guns with a caliber up to and including 139mm, secondary battery guns, and AA mountsSecondary guns only open fire at targets designated by the player.
The greater the difference between the tiers, the greater the increase.A Warning about the risk of exposure to long-range artillery fire is displayed (shells time to target is more than 6 seconds)Decreases the airspeed of the strike aircraft, but also reduces their detectability and increases their HP when returning to the carrierIncrease the speed of torpedoes launched from both ships and aircraft by reducing torpedo rangeIncreases efficiency of self-defense armament for aircraft with rear gunnersIncreases reload speed of all armament as the ship HP is reducedWhen the engine or steering gears are incapacitated, they continue to operate but with a penaltyAccelerates repairs to the modules, firefighting, and recovery from floodingReduces reload time of torpedo tubes and servicing time of torpedo bombersMakes it possible to launch and recover the aircraft while the ship is on fire.Improves effectiveness of main guns with a caliber up to and including 139mm, secondary battery guns, and AA mountsSecondary guns only open fire at targets designated by the player. 15 topics in this forum. Oder gabs da zum Mittagessen Spaghetti mit Tomatensauce und Seegirl hats nicht bis zur Reling geschafft?Und hier nochmal die Bilder ungeschrumpft in voller Pracht.Ich weiss nicht, wenn ich an italienische Kreuzer denke, dann kommt immer sowas raus.Jetzt geht es aber Schlag auf Schlag, WG haut einen nach dem anderen raus, gut so!

WoWS Stats & Numbers - best online tool for stats browsing and progress tracking for World of Warships. [-I-N-] WoWs - Space . Was meint ihr, was werden die Pro's and Con's dieses schönen Schmuckstücks?8 Rohre und gleich ne Kennzeichnung wo man nicht hin schiessen sollte.

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However, the airspeed of the catapult aircraft is decreasedIncreases the attack power of fighters while in combat against higher-tier aircraft.

Würde den hier gleich nehmen.Warum muss ich bei dem Tarnschema sofort daran denken:Was meint ihr, was werden die Pro's and Con's dieses schönen Schmuckstücks?Im übrigen sind die Werte dort nicht ganz korrekt (10.000 PS wären etwas schwach ... Ich weiss nicht, wenn ich an italienische Kreuzer denke, dann kommt immer sowas raus.

However, the airspeed of the catapult aircraft is decreasedIncreases the attack power of fighters while in combat against higher-tier aircraft.

Kreuzer. Italienischer Kreuzer gesichtet!