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The key distinctive feature of cruisers of this type was auto-loading main guns that had a very high rate of fire.
The ship was designed using the experience gained in World War II, resulting in excellent protection and very powerful AA armament.
Des Moines (A) Gun Fire Control. Propulsion: 120,000hp.
The ship was designed using the experience gained in World War II, resulting in excellent protection and very powerful AA armament. In 1981 the United States Congress directed that the Navy conduct a survey to determine if she and sister ship USS 生存性: 継戦能力: 50,600: 装甲: 27mm-152mm ・防郭 27-152mm ・艦首/艦尾 27mm ・砲郭 27mm ・装甲甲板 27mm-90mm: 対水雷防御: ダメージ低減
your fellow scrub will share his experience using Des Moines, the advantage and disadvantages of Des Moines, what to know about …
look no further! They were the last of the all-gun heavy cruisers, exceeded in size in the American navy only by the 30,000 long tons Alaska-class cruisers that straddled the line between heavy cruiser and battlecruiser. Des Moines If you like our site, please consider disabling ads blocker and support wows-numbers.com. Field2: gonna *BETA.
Tier USS Salem is a museum ship in Quincy, Massachusetts; the other two ships were scrapped. Ads = better and faster server, more data from game, more new features in the future. Mk10 mod. Field1: never. She was the first ship in the United States Navy to feature the auto loading Mark 16 8-inch/55 caliber gun, the first of its type in the world, and the second ship of its name in the U.S. Navy. Two were decommissioned by 1961, but one, Newport News, served until 1975.
The ship was designed using the experience gained in World War II, resulting in excellent protection and very powerful AA armament. The Des Moines-class cruisers were a trio of very large U.S. Navy heavy cruisers commissioned in 1948 and 1949. The key distinctive feature of cruisers of this type was auto-loading main guns that had a very high rate of fire.Only a handful of high tier cruisers are known to have absurd firing rates: In a varied operating schedule designed to maintain the readiness of the Navy to meet the constant demands of defense and foreign policy, After decommissioning in 1961 she was mothballed in the South Boston Naval Annex and eventually laid up in the Naval Inactive Ship Maintenance Facility at Philadelphia in maintained reserve.
Jump to: To log in, select the region where your account is registeredNo boost to continuous damage in a reinforced sector.The enemy is alerted that a bearing has been taken. One of the best heavy cruisers in the world.
USS Des Moines was the lead ship of the class of United States Navy heavy cruisers.
しかしDes Moines ... 久しぶりにWOWSに戻ってきてデモイン使ってるのですが、固有UGと言うものがありません。解放に条件があるのでしょうか? -- 2020-06-24 (水) 19:35:15.
DES MOINES GUIDE - BY N00B1E the Noob (kind of) so, you have a des moines ? One of the best heavy cruisers in the world.
Last-modified: 2020-08-01 (土) 18:29:47 0.9.5において、固有UGの加速力はナーフされました。現在の加速力はここに記載されているものとは異なります。具体的には強制跳弾する角度に優遇がある。他国が30°なのに対して米巡は22.5°と優遇されており、これは例えば、相手が全門斉射できるギリギリの角度での防御姿勢を取っていても、貫通力さえ許せば主要装甲帯をも抜きうるということである。魚雷こそないものの、大よそ10kmを切った接近戦では大きなアドバンテージなので頭に留めておくと良いかもしれない2019/07/20-23、v0.8.5時に実施。試行回数は各1回。トレーニングモードにて加減速をテスト。リプレイを2倍速で撮影し動画のフレームから推定。 and youre crap in it ?
upgrade modules coming soon... One of the best heavy cruisers in the world. このデモイン級重巡洋艦は、主砲に自動装填装置を備えており、高い発射速度を実現していました。本級は、夜間における近接戦闘の経験により、従来のアメリカ海軍巡洋艦の203mm砲では発射速度が不十分であることが判明した結果として開発されました。オレゴン・シティ級の発展型であり、5隻が建造開始されましたが、二次大戦の終結に伴い、完成したのは3隻のみに留まりました。本級最後の艦であったセーラムは、後に博物艦船として改装されました。 Des Moines — American Tier X cruiser.