There are spotter planes and dds everywhere tier 10.
if anything its shorter+bladeclanhalo3 that might be true, but for me it still is a good option. 100k+ over the last 100 games and 70%WR. Each module aboard ship has three possible states: functioning, damaged, or destroyed.
Combine that with the already strong armor the ship has, and it literally becomes unsinkable.
It almost reminds me of pre nerf Khaba with 15.6km range…khaba doesnt need to dodge…just move at max speed at long range…I thought Mino mod increased time smoke disperses, not how long it lasts.You get more puffs so the first will disperse sooner but the last one will last longer from the time you activate it compared to stock.Conqueror’s legendary module is actually a fair trade-off. I charged a Conq a time or two and came away virtually unscathed (minus secondaries or AA guns)Well, for all watching this video and maybe are a bit disturbed by it (or whatever, some seem to be a bit disturbed when scrolling through the comments):These mods are made for breaking up METAs, that’s my opinion.
They are automatically restored once a ship returns to port and are fully available in later battles with no direct action required by players.
if you a front liner where enemy can pop up at any direction this mod is big no no.minotaur is a 100% no.
It’s definitely fun to play a battleship with cruiser-like rudder shift. I can’t really think of many battles where shorter fire/flooding duration would have made any difference.I get what you’re saying.
You are in the middle of the fight constantly and 12.3 is enough to disappear if you do it right.Hey, thanks for making an actually useful guide that I can get behind. It’s done great things for me.
You build it up for fire and flooding resistance and fires literally last 10 seconds, and floodings last around 20 seconds. Say whatever you want, i will accept your opinionSitting inside the smoke is definitely not a good idea either. I honestly am kind of disappointed in Zoup here, I stopped watching after he claimed you could perma-smoke with the Minotaur legendary module. GK module is great for randoms, bad for competitive. I try shimakaze legendary module, it’s no good at all, I can’t even make a properly torpedo wall.
It only gives you a 10% reload time reduction over the Torp Mod 3, which is an improvement of only fifteen seconds.
You give up a portion of your concealment for better turret traverse, faster rudder shift, and faster rudder passive repair. *majestic. Z-52 module is fine if you wanna spice up your gameplay.
The module fits my very aggressive play style, though. I am glad you made this video zoup but I honestly feel that this video is not properly thought through.Edit: I watched the whole video, first thing is that I like that you remember to emphasize that is your personal opinion, not the general consensus or factual advice.
If you don’t want to use this module, don’t do it.
Zoup runs 20km torps on shime and main battery mod 2?? The only reason to take it is if you’re running smoke, which is a less effective Khab anyways. Fully upgraded 12.4 rudder shift time is priceless.
You don’t give up concealment mod, you give up steering gears mod 3 which is kinda essential for Khab.
In randoms, GK shouldn't be firing at over 18km anyway, and because of your bad accuracy you want to spam shells quickly.
To equip the latter you need to: And that’s considering it got nerfed heavily during testing.especially in competitive play, match up w/ a Moskva (same concealment) & flag, fires last just 15 seconds & cpt skill too 10 secondsFloods are 14 seconds if you have the flag equipped. you’re giving up concealment for a nothing.