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Please don't use rational logic on a forum that exists for us to share our feelings. General Game Discussion ... to go with the French in that I am having more fun playing French BBs over the USN BBs with the exception of nothing in WoWs beats the USS Missouri for BB fun and enjoyment! I need a BB Class ship for some of missions.. Im quite sure Scharnhorst is a good pick by info I got here.
World of Warships Tier VI Best Battleships The armor teaches you that angling is important but gives you some flexibility there until T8. And forget about RN BBs ... the line is just boring, uninspiring and not fun to play.I'd also suggest not to begin with the German line. If CVs were not a thing, I'd say IJN all the way as their guns have solid shell velocity, good penetration at range, and a rather tight horizontal dispersion compared to it's competition. The Kongo is the only ship to get better range and speed meaning the Konig still beats everyone else at their own game in the dreadnought side of battleships while protecting herself from the kongo with turtleback armor. Fast, hard hitting, lightly armored. Or the LOLPen Machine as she's called. But thats my observations and limited thanks for the replies guys! So yes, the Guns in WoWs do not behave like they should, after all shells with a muzzle velocity of 870 m/s manage to travel 20km in ten seconds. Whether or not you will hit a target is dependent on how appeased WoWs is with your decision to use a particular ship in a game. Angle! [WOLF3]

Depends on your playstyle. They tend to get burnt to the waterline if left without support. It's going to be Russian BB line when it comes out. Enjoy the 'caliber" of the gun and forget about dispersions though I wish the ROF was good and ROF is Wows Controlled (server side as are most other thingies) and varies about the same between tiers. Their guns have poor dispersion at higher ranges...they are uncompromisingly oriented for close-range brawling. The other three are perfectly fine.So i see everyone is saying USA some french i sow there ty for the answers. One regards the grind to the top tier battleship, and the other answer is in regard to the ship that is most competitively viable In terms of grinding, the French line would be the easiest. Konig's a Kaiser with better gun layout. I have not played too many games but I am a gunnery expert working on designing new guns at the Naval Weapons Design Center ( NWDC) a department of DARPA  and it is my observation that the "Guns" and their behavioral parameters in "World of Warships" is impossible  and one cannot really conclude that a particular line of ships is more accurate than another and even less one ship having more "accurate" than another.

Usually 30% of the shots are crap, 35% are workable, and then a third are so tightly grouped it is amazing. Is it it's armor when brawling?This' seems counter intuitive, because you have to be aggressive when brawling and it's easy to get isolated, flanked or put out of position when attempting to close onto a target. To the point that New York feels like a down grade. These extra shells + all the extra dispersion reducing upgrades make them very much more accurate then their ijn counterparts The germans so far are not accurate really at tier 3 or 4 but their ability to take full damage but not get citadeled often seems at low tier not a great tradeoff.

Montana is a bit less accurate but with three more shells the added number of 'darts' that Monty can throw at the board gives it a slight advantage. This works great for noobs that don't aim correctly in the first place but does not work well for players trying to anticipate course changes. Agree with Lert, but only in the sense I believe in Dunkerque and Normandie. The French cruiser line is best known for its speed, versatility, and as with all French ships, running away. Yes, RNG is a role with all BB lines regardless. If you aren't really either and don't mind slow ships, American.If you aren't agressive, For the love don't play Germans. I like main gun accuracy and I like secondaries and I like speed. Colorado is, well, you'll find out. Yolo a Bismarck right to the middle and you’ll rack up those ribbons pretty quick.Out of boredom I just picked up a lion with some extra xp laying around.