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You can read all about both methods in our guide to Drive Icon Changer is the easiest way, though you can do it from the registry if you’d prefer not to use extra software.Hopefully, this gives you enough information about changing icons that you can make things look just the way you want them.the Editorial Director for How-To Geek and its sister sites.

Changing the icon for a shortcut in Windows is also pretty simple and works the same whether it’s a shortcut to an app, folder, or even Command Prompt command. Note that you can’t search for the application by name in the Start menu. He's authored or co-authored The above article may contain affiliate links, which help support How-To Geek.How-To Geek is where you turn when you want experts to explain technology.

You can create your own custom keyboard shortcuts for any Software, apps, and folder. Choose one of the default icons or browse to any EXE, DLL, or ICO file that contains icons.

Also, there is a third-party tool available to set custom keyboard shortcuts. Here's how.If you're creating a keyboard shortcut for a "desktop app," any application that installs via direct download rather than Windows Store alone, you can create the shortcut directly from the Start Menu. It will open in After you enter this, go ahead and give it a friendly name. Personalizing your icons is a great way to make a PC uniquely yours. We’ve shared the benefits of keyboard shortcuts for some time. Here are some decluttering tips that can make you productive. Windows 10 won’t let you drag and drop anything from the search results. Any time you open a Windows app by rolling your mouse pointer over to an icon or lift your finger up and tapping on a tile, you're wasting time and putting unnecessary strain on your shoulder. Windows Can Do THIS? He has more than 30 years of experience in the computer industry and over 20 years as a technical writer and editor. Please refresh the page and try again.Laptop Mag is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. The custom Windows keyboard shortcut for an app can be enabled by visiting the properties of the app’s shortcut file. Edge vs. Chrome vs. Opera vs. FirefoxThe browser you're using right now may not be the best one for you. In this article, we have described the best ways to create custom keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10. Put it somewhere you know you won’t delete it first, or make the ICO file hidden.And if you want to fine-tune how folders look and operate on your PC, you should also explore You can also change the icon for specific file types (those that end in certain extensions) so that all files of that type use the new icon. We show you how to use this data monitor effectively. For that, we’ve got another free tool recommendation: Changing the icon for a shortcut in Windows is also pretty simple and works the same whether it’s a shortcut to an app, folder, or even Command Prompt command. In Windows 10, you can access this window through Settings > Personalization > Themes > Desktop Icon Settings. Create custom Keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10 To speed up the process of working on your system, most of us would have created ‘desktop shortcuts’ or pinned the applications to the taskbar.

After selecting the file, the “Change Icon” window will show the icons contained in the file you selected. Custom shortcuts in Windows. There’s also a way that works a bit differently and involves a little Registry editing. Windows key shortcuts. There are For complete control over custom shortcuts, advanced users should Anyone can use the default shortcuts to get around faster, but setting custom shortcuts gives you quick access to the items you need most. Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts This site uses cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads. For a complete rundown, check out our guide to But you can still change how these icons appear elsewhere on your system. in Computer Information Systems from Grove City College, where he graduated Cum Laude and with Honors in his major. Right-click the shortcut and choose “Properties.”On the “Shortcut” tab, click the “Change Icon” button.This opens the standard “Change Icon” window we’ve seen a couple of times already. Navigating Windows with Keyboard Shortcuts AloneYou might know lots of keyboard shortcuts, but did you know you could get around Windows without your mouse? Windows 8 and 10 don’t show any of the desktop icons except for Recycle Bin, and even Windows 7 doesn’t show them all. Custom keyboard shortcuts in Windows. In Windows 8 and 10, it’s Control Panel > Personalize > Change Desktop Icons.Use the checkboxes in the “Desktop icons” section to select which icons you want on your desktop. Method 1: Set Keyboard Shortcut from Properties Window. You just need to keep a few things in mind:There’s no simple built-in way to change the icons for drives in Windows. The OS is certainly known for customizations, making the user experience more personalized like the ability to add new shortcuts in the context menu.Using various hotkeys lets you start programs, load websites, and do many other tasks with a keystroke. Windows key shortcuts. It's the Run dialog.