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Our U.S. distributor Rosenthal Models USA will reply as soon as possible. WOW ! Call 949-632-1499, Mike Lance The PZL Wilga 35 is available with 3.2 or 3.7m span. very nice sir ! You can also send us a mail to
Even the slats along the entire length of the span are reproduced exactly as the original. This model is built fully scale and is highly detailed – all rivets, hinged panels, panel lines and corrugated sheets are molded in glass fiber technology. I have my Frish 1/3 scale Wilga for sale. 1/3.5 / 1/3 Scale. Additional accessories include GfK fuel tank, servo linkages, tow release and scale pilot in field-proven quality. 3.04.2016: Pro Modellflug Initiative zum erhalt des Modellflugsports 29.02.2016: Termine und Homepage bearbeitet. Call 949-632-1499, Mike Lance. It has a DA150, JR Digital servos, 64 onces of fuel, Two on board flight batteries with a battery backer, three switches, custom interior and scale dash. Frisch Wilga 1/3,5(Christian) Bilder vom Bau und Erstflug der Wilga; LCF-2 1/2,5 (Christian ) Swift S-1 1/3(Florian) NEWS. Highlights. Completely ready to fly models are also available.The PZL Wilga 35 is available with 3.2 or 3.7m span. I have lowered the price on the 1/3 scale Wilga to $5000. Call 949-632-1499, Mike Lance . Spannweite: 3,20 Meter. 02 - Le Wilga au 1/3 - Acro Modèles 44 × Page d'accueil Les New's I have my Frish 1/3 scale Wilga for sale. Wir stellen Ihnen hier unsere Federbeine für das beliebte Schleppmodell vor. Fibreglass / carbon. Please fill out the formular. Da es ja doch reizt, habe ich sofort am nächsten Tag mit dem Bau begonnen. Baubericht Frisch Wilga 1:3,5. It comes with wing bags. It comes with wing bags. PZL 104 Wilga 35 1/3. Federbeine für die Wilga der Firma Frisch Maßstab 1:3,5 und 1:4,0. Zum Thema Pro und Contra Federbein/Gasdruckfeder wird die Lektüre auf der Homepage von Michael Heyder empfohlen. This model is built fully scale and is highly detailed – all rivets, hinged panels, panel lines and corrugated sheets are molded in glass fiber technology. In Zusammenarbeit mit Michael Heyder sind Federbeine für die Wilga entstanden.

Echelle 1/3 Envergure 3 720 mm Longueur 2 500 mm Poids à partir de 19 Kg Moteur 140 à 250 cc en étoile. Construction. Please contact us for different available color schemes. Am Donnerstag den 21.02.2008 wurde die Wilga von mir und Christoph um 24:00 Uhr ausgeladen. I have my Frish 1/3 scale Wilga for sale. It fits all standard engines inside the cowling, and the scale sound of a 5-cylinder radial engine such as the BlackStar complements this beautiful towplane, which you can also get from us. On 1 August 1963, the revised aircraft, which was designated as the PZL-104 Wilga Mark 2, conducted its first flight. I have $10,000 invested and it is for sale for $6000. In the air, the Wilga delights with a stunning and unique flight pattern.You are interested in one of our products? Nun war es soweit, dass Traummodell ist bei mir im Bastelkeller angekommen. Selbstredend ist die RC Ausrüstung dem Flieger entsprechend hochwertig. I have $10,000 invested and it is for sale for $6000. 02.07.2016: Neue Bilder ONline und Homepage bearbeitet. If interested give me a call. I have lowered the price on the 1/3 scale Wilga to $5000. It has a DA150, JR Digital servos, 64 onces of fuel, Two on board flight batteries with a battery backer, three switches, custom interior and scale dash. 70ccm / 100ccm. Baubeginn: 22.02.2008

Mike, I posted an ad on for you: 16.5kg / 20.5kg. While testing validated the qualities of the Wilga 2's airframe and had proved the aircraft to be a successful design, the WN-6RB engine that powered the model was not fully developed and thus, the aircraft did not enter serial production. It comes with wing bags. Kit : Fuselage en fibre de verre époxy Ailes en polystyrène coffrées Plusieurs fois Cht d’Allemagne le tandem Alexander et son Wilga "jamais sans remorqueur" et … The PZL Wilga 35 is a full fiberglass kit, produced in fiberglass and carbon fiber vacuum-sandwich technology – most servo mounts are molded in. Engine. I have $10,000 invested and it is for sale for $6000. We offer all accessory parts such as scale tailwheel with shock, scale cockpit, lighting system, and protective bags. Tomahawk Wilga 1:3 mit Moki 250: Beschreibung: Biete hier meine Tomahawk Wilga im Maßstab 1:3 und 3700 mm Spannweite zum Kauf an. good luck with your sale.
Mike Sie hat den Moki 5 Zylinder Sternmotor mit 250 cm³ montiert und verfügt über herausragende Flugeigenschaften. Weight. This model comes pre-painted. It has a DA150, JR Digital servos, 64 onces of fuel, Two on board flight batteries with a battery backer, three switches, custom interior and scale dash.