When Kimberly has a violent premonition of a highway pileup she blocks the freeway, keeping a few others meant to die, safe. But we do live in these times, and, although there are scholars of the modern era who would try to have us believe that the current generation consists of a bunch of kids who get everything instantly and process it on a billion levels at once, the truth is indeed the exact opposite. The revelation of one character's identity, while not particularly surprising, is at least somewhat new. After a teenager has a terrifying vision of him and his friends dying in a plane crash, he prevents the accident only to have Death hunt them down, one by one. A brother and sister driving home through isolated countryside for spring break encounter a flesh-eating creature which is in the midst of its ritualistic eating spree. There is a bit of inspiration here, but just as much that's stolen from other better horror movies. Gore is not scary. Once they begin towing the ghost ship towards harbor, a series of bizarre ocurrences happen and the group becomes trapped inside the ship, which they soon learn is inhabited by a demonic creature.Rated R for strong violence/gore, language and sexuality An ex-cop and his family are the target of an evil force that is using mirrors as a gateway into their home. Nope, better play it safe and provide us with a gruesome scene up front where a couple of dozen people are sliced in half by a loose cable during a ball. If it had opted for tone and real fear instead of cheap shocks, the movie could have been great. As the gore accumulates, I began to appreciate the artistry that was put into the enormous number of deaths. Books .
As they venture deeper into the woods, they face an uncertain and bloodcurdling fate. Gore is not scary. Beat the literal heat with three films that capture the spirit of summer love.Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site?
A group of unwitting teens are stranded near a strange wax museum and soon must fight to survive and keep from becoming the next exhibit.
A salvage crew discovers a long-lost 1962 passenger ship floating lifeless in a remote region of the Bering Sea, and soon notices that its long-dead inhabitants may still be on board.
A salvage crew discovers a long-lost 1962 passenger ship floating lifeless in a remote region of the Bering Sea, and soon notices that its long-dead inhabitants may still be on board.
It's the kind of moment where you just slap your head for the lack of talent involved. The crew went onto the Mary Celeste to help anyone onboard but found it completely empty. And then there was more stuff I liked. Try Prime EN Hello, Sign in Account & Lists Sign in Account & Lists Returns & Orders Try Prime Cart. 64 of 100 people found this review helpful. Was this review helpful to you?
With Julianna Margulies, Gabriel Byrne, Ron Eldard, Desmond Harrington.
But it still became a bit of a celebrity when it was featured in the opening scenes of Madonna’s music video of the song, “Papa Don’t Preach. Now this I would call exactly an average film.
A hospice nurse working at a spooky New Orleans plantation home finds herself entangled in a mystery involving the house's dark past. The story is good enough that it could have been great if handled well. Chris and a group of five friends are left stranded deep in the middle of the woods after their cars collide. Directed by Steve Beck. It is alleged that the Schooner Jenny, originally an English ship that had left …
No, there is no subtlety here. When Cyrus Kriticos, a very rich collector of unique things dies, he leaves it all to his nephew and his family. A depressed female psychiatrist wakes up as a patient in the asylum where she worked, with no memory of why she is there or what she has done. These are some sickeningly creative people, let me tell you.
All including his house, his fortune, and his malicious collection of ghosts!
Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? The revelation of one character's identity, while not particularly surprising, is at least somewhat new. No, there is no subtlety here. It would go over your average teenager's head in a heartbeat.
A family falls victim to a group of mutated cannibals in a desert far away from civilization.
With Julianna Margulies, Gabriel Byrne, Ron Eldard, Desmond Harrington. After discovering a passenger ship missing since 1962 floating adrift on the Bering Sea, salvagers claim the vessel as their own. If it had opted for tone and real fear instead of cheap shocks, the movie could have been great. But we do live in these times, and, although there are scholars of the modern era who would try to have us believe that the current generation consists of a bunch of kids who get everything instantly and process it on a billion levels at once, the truth is indeed the exact opposite. The Schooner Jenny.
The Ghost Ship.