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For all of the strengths of her AA compliment, she’s still very vulnerable to aircraft from a well played CV. This cannot be stated firmly enough: her turret rotation is awful, frustrating and it will get you killed. This the lowest amongst the tier 6 Battleships (the Fuso has 33.9% and the New Mexico has as much as 39.9%) and worse than the tier 5 ships like the New York and Kongo at 24.9%. This again invites a shower of penetrating hits to anything that lands amidships from not only AP rounds but high explosive rounds from the likes of the German or American light cruisers. Very often you will see her making as little as 16 to 18kts at full speed in a turn which can be a mixed blessing when it comes to avoiding incoming fire.Still, it’s hard to argue that her agility is one of her primary strengths.
Though her 381mm rifles favour comparably to the 356mm guns on the USN and IJN Battleships on an individual basis, she has eight to their twelve and this disparity in firepower weight has been telling in the overall statistics for the vessels for some time. Can not wait to get my hands on this ship! So after playing the Warspite quite a bit, I've concluded she's a pretty awesome ship Yeah chase nice video! With both skills and module upgrades, her range increases first to 6.0km and then 7.2km with a comparable increase in firepower weight and accuracy each time. Compared to other Battleships during her initial inception, she seemed a little lack luster. HMS … Early reviews of the Warspite were not entirely favourable, in part due to a lack of information. I know a fair bit has already been written and said about how poor the ship is, but its not all bad news.
Easy to hit by BB's, certainly, but i don't foresee high damage rolls due to the citadel being below the waterline. Individually, her shells are very hard hitting with the highest AP alpha strike of their tier.
This is unmatched in any of her contemporaries and puts her agility closer to cruiser levels. The exact formula on how this reduction works out hasn’t been revealed. 72 seconds seems like forever sometimes. Cool History Fact™️ number 1: Warspite had a recurring steering issue (wonky steering) from battle damage she sustained on her first ever proper fight, during the Battle of Jutland. Again, the whims of RNG will sometimes dictate that these upgraded guns take no prisoners. From 1919 to 1939, she joined the 2nd battle Squadron as part of the newly formed Atlantic Fleet.
The Warspite had a revenge of sorts, as at the end of the War, she was part of the force that escorted the surrendered High Seas Fleet into internment at Scapa Flow in 1918. 20% buff gives you 18 seconds lock to lock. Though flammable like other battleships, between her fast-resetting Damage Control Party and the use of her Repair Party, she can mitigate single or paired fires easily.Focused damage in this way removes all of her durability advantages. I'd do a summary of her career but Warspite had a really long career and it'd end up being longer than the review, and I doubt the majority of my readers actually give a shit. You need to play a total of 10 battles to post in this section. With one upgrade, the whole complement of her AA arsenal can reach out to this distance, allowing the Warspite to have the chance of thinning out incoming attack craft before they launch. Link to post Share on other sites. This is made all of the worse when the Warspite faces tier 7 and 8 opponents with their 15″ and 16″ rifles. The Warspite’s prow armour stops being quite so wonderful and you can (and will) take catastrophic amounts of damage through her angled prow or stern.The armour isn’t so great at a distance either, with a large ‘hole’ between her hangar and #3 gun with painfully thin 6mm deck armour.
This sale wasn’t advertised. Attempts to follow a fast vessel within 7km is nearly impossible, with your turrets unable to track quickly enough as they pass by your vessel. But as changes were put in place to the class as a whole, the Warspite remained a bit of a dinosaur, grandfathering some of the traits Battleships used to have and creating a distinctly unique ship. This hidden statistic could certainly be used by Wargaming as a balance mechanic and it’s entirely possible that the Warspite has a higher rating here than other Battleships of her tier. A good use of island terrain and range will keep her in the fight longer than any other ship in that tier.By and large, the HMS Warspite doesn’t require any unusual upgrade choices.The HMS Warpsite’s release predates that of the Royal Navy tech tree, which puts her in the unique position of having you run a dedicated Captain for your premium vessel (for the time being). 72 seconds seems like forever sometimes. Her range precludes her from being a good open-water Battleship, trading fire at a distance. Her turrets are also well armoured, though not to the same degree as US Battleships. The real issue is that we don’t presently know the math behind the chances of the Warspite catching fire. In Closed Beta, battleships lost a lot of their maneuverability with a blanket nerf that affected their rudder shift times or turning circles (or both). She abstains from an all-or-nothing armour scheme with an extended belt armour that reaches towards (but not quite covering) her prow and back towards her stern.
This spread out armour as opposed to a concentrated layout around her citadel means that she has good overall protection but not great.In game terms, this means that when angled prow-on towards 14″ rifles or smaller, she will bounce an unbelievable number of AP shots. The HMS Warspite was my chariot of choice through the first brackets of the second season of Ranked Battles, managing a 10 vs 2 record. The formula released by Wargaming is presented as follows:(“Ammo’s fire rate” + Pyromania perk) * (“Ship’s fire rate” * (1-(Modification from upgrade + Modification from perk))The only ship where they’ve disclosed the “Ship’s fire rate” is the IJN Fuso, which when fully upgraded sits at 0.70. That hasn’t been my experience but I do find that given her shorter range and predisposition for usually attacking enemies head on, some opponents that might otherwise use AP rounds switch to high explosive. Q.E is more Thicc than Warspite, Warspite got only 69% thicc :^) Edited July 13, 2017 by BIGCOREMKP0I.