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If you like Wardruna, you may also like: Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.For years now Wardruna founder Einar Selvik has done acoustic concerts and lectures, performing Wardruna songs on his own, as well as creations made for the TV-show “Vikings” in an acoustic format.

Apr 3, 2016 - All things Wardruna.

New album ‘Kvitravn’ out January 22nd, 2021!

Wardruna - Helvegen (tradução) (Letra e música para ouvir) - Kven skal synge meg / I daudsvevna slynge meg / Når eg helvegen går / Og dei spora eg trår / Er kalde så kalde / Eg songane søkte / … Deyr fé, deyja frændur, deyr sjálfur ið sama.
Wardruna Wardruna is a Norwegian music group dedicated to creating musical renditions of Norse cultural and esoteric traditions. New work by Einar Selvik (Wardruna, Vikings) and Ivar Bjørnson (Enslaved) will be featured by the Bergen International Festival in May–June this year.

See more ideas about Vikings, Norse, Dark spirit.

released November 23, 2018

Now parts of this material has finally been recorded “live in studio” in Solslottet Studio in Bergen (Norway), and is set for release through By Norse Music on November 23rd 2018.

I wanted to note that "Allfather" would be 'Alfa∂ir'.The source lyrics have been updated. Fine musicianship, gorgeous arrangements, and an almost rootsy feel at times - I'd like see it performed live.

With As the commenter said, the lyrics and the translation are in the video, but if you're too lazy to look, here you go!

Pre-order here » Also available through the official Wardruna stores: DE based store » US based store »

50+ videos Play all Mix - Vikings (Wardruna - Helvegen) lyrics Old Norse - English YouTube Wardruna - NaudiR ( with lyrics and translation ) - Duration: 6:49.

the use of the oldest Nordic instruments and poetic metres, lyrics written in Norwegian, Norse and proto-Norse tongue, Wardruna sets out to give new voice to ancient and ever-relevant ideas and wisdom from the past.Fantastic Display of what Slavic/Viking/Shamanic Paganism is.

Wardruna Album Runaljod – gap var Ginnunga Licensed to YouTube by The Orchard Music (on behalf of Indie Recordings); LatinAutor, BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., BMG Rights Management (US), LLC, Wixen Music Song Changed a tad bit to be a bit more literal, but nothing major.Source is just the same video that's already there, but hey, rules are rules.please add the source you used for this translation.Thank you for the translation.

Makes me want to learn norwegian.

Please review your translation.One "så kalde" in "er kalde så kalde, så kalde" removed.For grammatical reasons, the chorus lines for the English translation should be changed to