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The Do 335 B-2 is a premium Rank IV German strike fighter with a battle rating of 5.7. Do.335A-0 Last-modified: 2020-04-04 (土) 20:58:26 ドイツ RankIV 重戦闘機 Do 335 A-0 プファイル

Here you can learn about the game mechanics and how to use the vehicles in virtual battles.
Ponadto na dżoju "czuć", że FM jest dosyć prosto napisany, samolot ciężko przeciągnąć (to znaczy, ze są niedoróbki w modelu lotu).

A bit of an analysis on the difference of opposition. Miały też mieć większe koła podwozia oraz opancerzoną osłonę kabiny. Privacy policy; About War Thunder Wiki; © 2010—2020 by Gaijin Entertainment.

Przekazano do niej kilka egzemplarzy przedseryjnej wersji Do 335A-0 i (być może) A-1. Instead, diving on a target with a lower energy state (it is permissible to engage some slower aircraft in level flight as the 335 can reach speeds well in excess of 450 km/h within seconds of levelling the aircraft out of a climb) and then simply running away and zoom climbing out of range if the target is not killed on the first run is a significant advantage for DO-335 pilots who wish to return home alive. War Thunder is a cross-platform military online game for PC, PS4, Mac, Linux and Xbox dedicated to combat aircraft, ground vehicles and naval forces. Instead, diving on a target with a lower energy state (it is permissible to engage some slower aircraft in level flight as the 335 can reach speeds well in excess of 450 km/h within seconds of levelling the aircraft out of a climb) and then simply running away and zoom climbing out of range if the target is not killed on the first run is a significant advantage for DO-335 pilots who wish to return home alive.

Targets in a higher energy state (More altitude and/or speed) should not be engaged unless you can ensure that once you have followed through with the attack run, you will be moving fast enough to avoid retaliation by the target.

Subsequently, the ability to disrupt soft (20 mm) and hard (30 mm) ground targets far away from the initial fighter onslaught does provide some redemption for its poor anti-aircraft capabilities. The rudder kind of works. Po kiego grzyba Ci MB-5?!?!?!?!?!?! !zamiast rzucać nie wiadomo ile prototypów, oraz mocno niszowych konstrukcji, to by lepiej drzewka uzupełnili o popularne a brakujące maszyny.do tego przydało by się rozwinąć gałęzie bombowców, zwłaszcza dla Niemiec i Brytanii.zamiast rzucać nie wiadomo ile prototypów, oraz mocno niszowych konstrukcji, to by lepiej drzewka uzupełnili o popularne a brakujące maszyny.do tego przydało by się rozwinąć gałęzie bombowców, zwłaszcza dla Niemiec i Brytanii.Dobrze powiedziane, ja wciąż czekam na skyridera w drzewku USA.Wziąłem Do 335 w obroty na test flighcie, modyfikacja "odnośnik".

Nie znam się na informatyce, ale odwzorowanie układu napędowego Do-335 chyba wymagałoby roboty od podstaw, no chyba że poszliby na skróty, co by mnie nie zdziwiło specjalnie :Ds . Jako myśliwiec dostaję często baty od bearcatów, załadować do celów naziemnych i kosić trawę?Czym się one od siebie różnią? Advantaged by its swift dive acceleration, Boom & Zoom is a viable tactic; however, it should be noted that prolonged engagements with enemy aircraft should be avoided, as energy fighters will quickly deplete its momentum, and turn-fighting aircraft will easily outmanoeuvre this lumbering aircraft. It is nigh-impossible to try to aim while performing a dive since the nose dances around in all directions and provides no stability to the aiming reticle. Jump to: Made a problematic aircraft to master by its poor manoeuvrability, both anti-bomber operations and ground strafing are a challenging task in this aircraft; however, it does have bomb capacity for 1,000 kg of ordnance and considering its speed, it is moderately capable in the role of a medium or strategic bomber aircraft.

We wrześniu 1944 utworzono Erprobungskommando 335, jednostkę do testowania samolotu w warunkach operacyjnych. It's three 30 mm and two 20 mm cannons are able to make short work of any enemy vehicle which …

The Pfeil's performance was much better than other twin-engine designs due to its unique push-pull configuration and the lower aerodynamic drag of the in-line alignment of the two engines. Consequently, flight agility is mediocre, lending itself in feeling to Dornier's previous heavy fighters: The two 15 mm cannons and 30 mm cannon are all nose mounted in the aircraft. This pre-production run does not feature payload options, unlike the A-1 series.

A z kolei nie jest takim "paper wunderwaffe" znowu, bo zbudowano kilkanaście(dziesiąt?)