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We are pleased to announce the release of a new, seventh nation in War Thunder - France! Pages in category "France aircraft" The following 57 pages are in this category, out of 57 total. There may be some problems with news display in specific browser versions. In the post-war era, this tendency became the standard design philosophy for French jet aircraft. Probably 2/3 of the prototypes shouldn't be in game.

The 1st November 2017, War thunder's 1.73 update came out, finally adding a full French Air Tree. This aircraft can excel at a variety of tasks, from intercepting enemy aircraft to supporting ground forces and reconnaissance. Biased/too big maps should be reworked. Kirill Yudintsev, Creative Director of Gaijin Entertainment: We have several millions of players - and every has different opinion of how things should be done.

It's been close to a year.aBowlOfFruit, Naval forces are probably halfway to the trashbin to be reworked to allow bogger ships to be inplemented in some wayQuick to the Hype train full of baguettes, croissants and wine!FuglenKurt, Yup! 7 of them are US designs. Depiction of any real-world weapon or vehicle in this game does not mean participation in game development, sponsorship or endorsement by any weapon or vehicle manufacturer. where is my white flag? All the marketing around this game made it seem like a City management game with survival sim elements, not a Survival Sim with City management elements. The D.501, Portez 630 & 631, MS 410, are all great fighters. While the D.371 did not participate in the battles of World War II, it earned recognition during the Spanish Civil War, where it fought on the Republican side against the Nationalist forces, amongst them, future Luftwaffe aces. The M.B.157 model had an incorrect and non-competive armament, and other iconic French planes, like the MB.152, the M.S.406 the Br.693 or the M.D.454 were also missing sometimes in favor of obscure design like the Barougan, but it was not to worrisome, those planes would eventually comeTwenty month have passed then.

Development of some content is not alienating on other content.All in all, me and perhaps 15% of players in this game would agree with you. VIVA LA FRANCE However, all you see now adays is "Where is the Swedes?"

During this period, 13 vehicles added in the french main tree. There's problem of bombers climbing to space and airfield AAA being way too good.We have changed behaviour of AAA several times, like a lot of times, dozens of times since 2012. Premiums asside, the release tech tree was composed of 34 vehicles, 8 of them were US made aicrafts, including 6 exact copypasted vehicles. We are pleased to announce the release of a new, seventh nation in War Thunder - France! ​ ​ I recently bought Fallout 76 (during the nuclear winter update), I already finished the…2020 will have something to satisfy classic and modern gamers alike. But that's…i know that their Development team is extremely small compared to BR but like, come on seriously... they had a whole fu*king crazy ass event where the cube explodes and creates a new POI on the map and their floating in this crazy dimension that the cube created and zombies were spawning before that look…Disclaimer: I don't know if there are any other post that also discusses the same topic, if my post is a duplicate please consider this post as another go at the topic.

Premiums asside, the release tech tree was composed of 34 vehicles, 8 of them were US made aicrafts, including 6 exact copypasted vehicles.While this choice of integrating US vehicles was kinda justified for tier 4 due to the lack of competitive French designed late/post-war props aircraft, some peoples pointed out that better alternative were existing (like the F4U-7, later added to the game). This error was reported and even acknowledged by the ingame description (Hopefully the replies can be more constructive this time. The 1.73 update will add more than 30 French aircraft to the game - from the fighters of the 30s to multirole post-war jet models.