When base attacking, it is best to utilise the 1,000 and 2,000 lb bombs. Without having to calculate convergence, the pilot is free to fire from effectively 0 m - +800 m and know the rounds will fly true. It is not recommended to climb vertically in this aircraft, what is recommended is to build up speed at sea level then zoom climb up to your desired altitude. Stock aircraft are limited in the munitions they can carry, however as the pilot progresses, heavier ordnance becomes available. The FJ-4B version most notably featured a strengthened wing, offering an increased payload by adding two additional hardpoints to each wing, bringing the total up from two to six.
The FJ-4 was the fourth modification of the Fury - the naval version of the F-86 Sabre, serving primarily with the USMC. Even good 8.0s like the Yak-30 and G91 R/1 will have very little difficultly beating it in most cases.To your earlier point, why is it so shit vs the excellent plane it's based on?The FJ-4B has thicker wings, and is extremely heavy and because of the changes to it's design from the earlier versions it's more draggy.The very powerful engine fails the plane as soon it starts reaching critical speeds, because of the drag that starts becoming much more of a factor.
Try to fly as low as possible to avoid being detected by the enemy. Over 150 FJ-4 Fury interceptors were built.
The FJ-4 was the last modification of the Fury and among the last mass-produced variants of the Sabre lineage.
For this, there are several suspended armament load-outs which will cater to both bombing and aerial attack to include rockets/missiles, bombs/missiles and lots of bombs and missiles. If attacked by enemy aircraft, turn into your opponent as this will not give them a firing solution. this isnt s a study sim.
The FJ-4B is not a very fast aircraft, at most you will see 880 kph at sea level. The FJ-4B was initially built as an interceptor and has the tools to do just that. With 114 FFAR rockets, the FJ-4B will have plenty to spare, don’t hesitate to use them as the pilot going down in flames with almost a full load of rockets is probably kicking themselves for not using more. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies.
In combination with the four autocannons, there are options to equip the FFAR rockets which can effectively be used against larger and slower aircraft such as bombers. For maps with many smaller targets such as light/medium tanks, trucks and anti-aircraft batteries, it is best to use the 250 lb bombs from lower altitudes, whereas when you begin to encounter targets with heavier armour they will require the larger bombs. It can be decently fun to fly, but when it's the only jet in your team it's toughWe get it, you guys want to sound edgy as shit.
World War Tester; 8,497 16,104 posts; Gender: Male; Location: Eastern United States; Interests: Flight Sims, Monster Hunter, Skyrim, Environmental Science, Chemistry, Alternative Fuels; 16980 TEC_Warrior_Squad -TECWS- Report post; Posted September 2, 2018. This armour protection at best will help the pilot survive a pilot snipe, however, it will not do anything to protect the fuel tanks and jet engine which are all vulnerable to gun, rocket and missile fire. Rockets, while listed as “Folding-Fin Aerial Rockets” can be effectively used against ground targets, predominantly clusters of vehicles or aircraft landing on runways to repair or during domination matches. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. These missiles were the missiles of choice for pilots in the Vietnam War as they had a higher rate of success compared to the Sparrow and other missiles used. Due to the nature of this aircraft and the reduced ammunition load, the pilot must make every shot count or else they will be frequently waiting for a reload or heading back to base to reload. Bomb load-outs range from using 250, 500, 1,000 or 2,000 lb bombs effectively targeting from vehicles and pillboxes all the way up to bases. Since the FJ-4B can carry 114 of these rockets, they are more effective when fired in large groups or salvos.
For this aircraft, there are choices between 250, 500, 1,000 and 2,000 lb bombs. For direct air-to-air combat, the FJ-4B has the option to outfit the coveted AIM-9B Sidewinder missiles.