Just one subpar one for France...Britain somewhat skipped supersonic and relied more heavily on the Hunter during the period where we are currently up to.
(:No supersonic for UK and a broken SMB2 with no energy retention for France. There are more British aircraft in development for future updates :)Smin1080p, Ah yes, Britain being left behind....yet again, for another update. Smin1080p, More referring to all the other nations that are still to get a supersonic jet, especially Britain when considering the English Electric Lightning F1A is the perfect counterpart to these aircraft in both period and performance. With over 5,100 machines being built, the F-4 Phantom II saw service with several operators around the globe and remained in service until the 1990s, while some still serve to this day.
From the late 1950s onwards the British Government began looking to replace a number of its early second-generation jet aircraft.
The RAF could have operated standard F-4 Phantoms (and to some extent would have preferred to)It was decided that the UK Phantoms would be based off of the F-4J, which was then the primary version in service with the US Navy at the timeThe first F-4Ks were delivered in April 1968 and were designated Phantom FG.1, early the following year they began test flights from HMS Eagle and the USS Saratoga. First, there is no pre-built directional offensive armament at all, no cannons, no machine guns.
(where is my mystere IVA or the Mirage III?) Following comparative testing against other machines in service with the Navy at the time, the F4H proved itself as highly capable aircraft and was thus ordered into full-scale production as the F-4. You can't just push a few nations way ahead and leave the others in the dust and expect people to be happy.YES A COUNTER FOR THE MIG 21, can the brits get something good in the air department now?, but otherwise, :)This isn't a counter. Rest assured, there are more aircraft in development for future updates, including some very faste ones. © 2020 by Gaijin Games Kft.
The RAF was looking to replace the Both the Royal Navy and RAF were now set to purchase the F-4 Phantom. Maybe with this patch they will get rid of the Mirror match (allies vs allies , axis vs axis)Yukichi, the mystere needs its actuall irl thrust to Air History. You will generally not want to spend your whole game at altitude, so when appropriate you can dive on enemy players and use your deadly cannon in "boom & zoom" attacks. The Phantom FG.1 was not originally equipped to carry a gun pod while in Royal Navy service, following their transfer to RAF service they were modified in order to carry the SUU-23/A 20 mm gun pod (the same one used by the RAF Phantom FGR.2s). Were getting 2 god awful swifts and some helis.
A result, the USAF also introduced a special “army” version of the F-4 into service during the mid 1960s under the designation F-4C.The F-4 Phantom II would become one of the most produced and widely used American combat aircraft of the second half of the 20th century. Join us MiGs will often try to pull you into vertical manoeuvres, your engines do have enough thrust to let you attempt to follow them if you really need to, but it is seldom recommended as you will not usually be able to get guns or missiles on the MiG and it will leave you vulnerable to attack from other aircraft. The F-4 will never get added because the model that has an actual gun and yes for those who didn't know the F-4 didn't get an internal gun until the E model which didn't come out until about 1965 or so has a top speed of around Mach 2.2 which is supersonic and would demolish everything because the gun it carries is an M61A1 6-Barrel Gatling Cannon that fires 20mm rounds at about 6000 RPM so … But for now, the British have their Helicopter tree and Swift family to look forward too. The engines are however very fuel hungry, leading to a decision needing to be made about the fuel load you take. The FGR.2 also had different avionics, the radar was slightly different and additional functionality such as an inertial navigation / attack system was added, as well as modification needed to allow the FGR.2 to use a gun pod and reconnaissance pod, among other changesIn 1970 Phantom FGR.2s were deployed to West Germany to serve the roles of ground attack, interdiction, and reconnaissance; while English Electric Lightnings covered bomber interception. There are two main schools of thought on how to fly the Phantom FGR.2 to best make use of its advantages. The Phantoms took over more and more of the air defence role from the Lightning; however the Lightning would remain in service until 1988 (retiring only a few years before the Phantoms).
When choosing to play this way a good climbing technique is to take off on full afterburner straight into either a 20° or a 30° climb, depending on if you value speed or altitude more.