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Another flaw is that Dutronc plays Van Gogh as though he were French - not the Dutchman he was. Actively resistent against overly cinematic sensibilities, this film very rarely plays up musiciality, which, upon actually coming up, outside of a nice little jingle at the credits, is found, not in post-production, but in first-party audio, something that is, as you can imagine, rarely accompanied by the piano and occasional band that drive what musical aspects there are in this film, so it's not like this film is driven by its soundtrack, but when music is, in fact, played up, it makes its limited time with us count by livening up atmosphere, though not so much so that Pialat contradicts his noable realist intentions. Copyright © Fandango.
| Rating: 3/5
By opting to have your ticket verified for this movie, you are allowing us to check the email address associated with your Rotten Tomatoes account against an email address associated with a Fandango ticket purchase for the same movie.Fandango
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Film critics tend to talk down on a film when it seems like the core idea of the film is a gimmick.
All Harry Potter Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer That being said, there's a large obstacle that many viewers will have to get over as soon as the film begins as well, being the fact that it's entirely painted by hand.
To combine these sentiments with his artistic power must have driven his well to do friends to distraction, particularly those who wished they could paint. 2018 BAFTA Winners Announced
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October 18, 2019
As someone who prefers other forms of art than paintings, I do admire a great piece of art, regardless of the medium. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your account.
September 18, 2009
Maurice Pialat's critically acclaimed biopic of Vincent Van Gogh focuses on the famous painter's final year. PG-13 (for mature thematic elements, some violence, sexual material and smoking) |
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July 23, 2018 This film is loving compliance more than it is loving Vincent, and in the end it leaves him to the wolves. Cinemark In this, it is less satisfying dramatically, with loose ends, not grasping the nettle, and stopping short of an accusation of mortal envy.
We won’t be able to verify your ticket today, but it’s great to know for the future.Regal With Douglas Booth, Jerome Flynn, Robert Gulaczyk, Helen McCrory. January 1, 2000 | Rating: 4/5
Ein nie dagewesenes Gesamtkunstwerk, das den Zuschauer visuell und inhaltlich tief in die Welt des Vincent van Gogh eintauchen lässt.
One can certainly appreciate the effort put into the making of Loving Vincent, but film is a different medium and requires a more holistic approach than just pretty pictures.
Where to Watch Every 2018 Oscar Nominee