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your own Pins on Pinterest Confronted with a savage land and haunted by secrets from their pasts, the hundred must fight to survive.

Ever since a devastating nuclear war, humanity has lived on spaceships far above Earth's radioactive surface. Lives are at risk as Clarke and Lexa encounter a new enemy.

The 100 realize they are not alone. I lineamenti del tuo viso sono sereni, rilassati. Bellamy and Lincoln agree to work together to break into Mount Weather. The English audiobook is narrated by Phoebe Strole.

In the camp, Asher is suddenly hit by an arrow.

Wells Jaha's mother died of an unknown illness months before the 100 mission, a time during which he falls in love with Clarke.
Dieser Pinnwand folgen 259 Nutzer auf Pinterest. The 100 is the first novel in The 100, a series of post-apocalyptic science fiction series by American author Kass Morgan.. Weitere Ideen zu 100 serie, Serien, Avatar herr der elemente. It could be their second chance at life...or it could be a suicide mission. "Survival of the Fittest is the tenth episode of the second season of The 100. Aug 4, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Shane-Alice Beaudry. Weitere Ideen zu 100 serie, Alycia debnam carey, Avatar herr der elemente. Now, one hundred juvenile delinquents -- considered expendable by society -- are being sent on a dangerous mission: to recolonize the planet. Elyza Lex/Lexa (The 100) Clarke Griffin; Lexa (The 100) Clarke - Sunshine Skyler; Lexa - Kayleen Cooper; Love Story; Summary "Sei distesa al mio fianco e stai dormendo profondamente. Once he hears about the plan to send 100 juvenile delinquents, including his girlfriend Clarke, he sets the Eden Tree, the only sapling saved from the planet prior to the Exodus, on fire to be sent to The book ends with a fire ravaging the Delinquents' camp. The novel has been published in multiple editions in hardcover, paperback, e-book, and audiobook form. 16.10.2018 - Entdecke die Pinnwand „Clexa“ von Sam. They were never meant to be heroes, but they may be mankind's last hope.

The novel is set approximately 300 years after a nuclear cataclysm rendered the With life support on the ships dwindling, 100 prisoners under the age of 18 are sent down to Earth to find out if it has become survivable. 04.08.2016 - Erkunde julia_spanns Pinnwand „Lexa and Clarke“ auf Pinterest. It is the twenty-third episode of the series overall. Lexa <
Clarke and Bellamy set out to find her. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Discover (and save!) Bellamy realizes that Octavia has gone missing right before the fire occurred. Weitere Ideen zu 100 serie, Serien, Tv serien.

Thalia dies in the flame. Humanity, however, has survived for generations on three large spaceships: Phoenix, Walden, and Arcadia. The novel is set approximately 300 years after a nuclear cataclysm rendered the Earth uninhabitable.