762 Rk 62 PT is a version with a perforated polymer foregrip, rounded pistol grip and slightly different sights. Regardless, the Soviet influence was seen within the Finnish military for much of its Cold War inventory was Soviet in nature including all manner of tanks, armored personnel carriers, armored cars, artillery and small arms. The first version was called the RK 60. It is the standard issue infantry weapon of the Finnish Defence Forces. The RK 62 was produced in 1960 at the Valmet factory in Tourula and was internally almost a copy of the AK-47. It should be noted that Rk.95TP is referred as Sako Rk.75, not the Valmet Rk.95, because the Sako company (involved in production of the Rk.62 and further modifications almost from the start) was merged with the Valmet company under the name Sako. It is used by the Finnish military. The Rk 62 was produced by two companies, Valmet and Sako. The state-owned Valmet was formed when several heavy industrial factories merged to form Valtion Metallitehtaat (State Metalworks), a …
This is the semi-automatic, commercial version of Finnish Army M62 automatic rifle. The biggest single improvement, apart from the metallurgical quality of the receiver and the overall quality of the barrel, are the sights - most AK variants have the rear sight mounted on top of the gas piston housing on top of the receiver. RK 62 76:n (myös: Valmet M76) runko on valmistettu prässätystä teräslevystä. It is a modified AK-47 pattern rifle with a heavy-barrel intended as a light support variant of the Valmet M76 assault rifle in Finnish Army service.
One of the new versions is called the Valmet RK 62 M3. | Content ©www.MilitaryFactory.com Valmet M60/M62 (RK 62) Assault Rifle. To that end, the famous Kalashnikov AK-47 Assault Rifle was modified locally to become the "m/60". The m/62 went on to become the standard issue assault rifle of the Finnish Army and a light machine gun version was also introduced - this sporting a heavier barrel, thicker tube stock, folding bipod, … YK-joukkojen välisissä ammuntakilpailuissa ase on havaittu toimintavarmaksi ja tarkaksi. A Rk 62 (též 7.62 RK 62 či M62; Rynnäkkökivääri 62 neboli „útočná puška 62“) je útočná puška vyráběná finskými společnostmi Valmet a SAKO. Rk 62:n pohjalta kehitettiin israelilainen rynnäkkökivääri 7.62 RK 62 säilyy toistaiseksi Suomen puolustusvoimien käytetyimpänä aseena, eikä sen korvaamista ole toistaiseksi suunniteltu. The Rk 62 was designed in 1962 and is based on the Soviet AK-47 Polish licensed version design. RK 62 76 -mallin rynnäkkökivääreitä toimitti Puolustusvoimille ainoastaan Valmet Oy vuosina 1977–1982.
Valmet 62 Militärische Bezeichnung: RK 62 (Rynnäkkökivääri, finn. While not outright occupying the nation, the communist empire was, in some ways, involved in the direction of its neighbor of which it had fought a bloody campaign against during the war.
Authored By: Staff Writer | Last Edited: m/60 - Original Production Model; sans trigger guard; tubular stock; plastic forestock; relocated rear sight; flash hider.The "Military Factory" name and MilitaryFactory.com logo are registered ® U.S. trademarks protected by all applicable domestic and international intellectual property laws. Valmet M62S is … It also should be noted that early Israeli made Galil assault rifles were made on machinery and by documentation bought from Valmet.The naval version of Rk 62 has folding stock for easier storage on board the warships. V. Valmet M62; Media in category "Valmet M62" The following 29 files are in this category, out of 29 total. Sako sen sijaan valmisti yksinomaan alkuperäisellä jyrsityllä rungolla varustettuja aseita. The bayonet is based on Finnish puukko knives and is considered one of the best bayonets to be used as a knife, it lacks AK 6x3 - 6x5 bayonet multi-functionality, but is far more elegant. The upgraded model will be known as The RK 62 is considered a high quality AK-47 variant. Taittoperässä käytettiin useita eri liitostapoja, joista yleisin ”kahden sormen” saranalukitus. Gas-Operated; Rotating Bolt After World War 2, the Soviet Union maintained something of a presence in Finland. Uusi valmistustekniikka pudotti painon 3,27 kiloon.