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The stewardesses' duties were similar to the male stewards, and usually served women passengers. The Titanic – Crew Captain Edward John Smith.

He helped to load women and children into the lifeboats. When she reached the open Atlantic on 11 April 1912, the Titanic carried 2,207 people however many more travelled on her: on the delivery trip from Belfast to Southampton, and on the short journeys to Cherbourg and Queenstown.This page lists everyone that travelled on the maiden voyage but also the delivery and passengers who were fortunate enough to disembark.Showing the basic lists. Bride survived by climbing onto the overturned hull of collapsible B. Phillips also reached collapsible B but died sometime before dawn.There were two bands on the Titanic. None of the bandsmen survived.© HistoryOnTheNet 2000-2019.

Fleet radioed the information to the bridge. Deutsch.

Lowe gave evidence at the inquiry.James Moody was on duty at the time of the collision and took the phone call from Frederick Fleet warning of the iceberg. He managed to climb onto the overturned collapsible lifeboat B. Boxall was put in charge of lifeboat number 2 and like Pitman was persuaded not to return for more survivors after the ship had sunk. Some survivors state that the band played until the end and many claim that the hymn ‘Nearer my God to thee’ was the last song played. He joined the Titanic as first officer and was on the bridge at the time of the collision and gave the order to turn the ship.
Joughin survived and was rescued by the Carpathia.Frederick Fleet and Reginald Lee were on duty in the crow’s nest and were the first to sight the iceberg. In all, the Titanic crew comprised some 885 people: Deck Crew – Officers, Masters at arms, Storemasters and able bodied seamen.

Henry Wilde was serving as Chief Officer on the Olympic but was transferred to the Titanic... First Officer William Murdoch… Boxall was put in charge of lifeboat number 2 and like Pitman was persuaded not to return for more survivors after the ship had sunk. The Glory-Hole Stewards' function was to clean and maintain the common toilets in First, Second, and Third Class, and crew areas. Fleet radioed the information to the bridge.

Erst als die 703 Menschen an Land gehen und persönlich von den schrecklichen Ereignissen berichten, dringt das Ausmaß der …

Titanic, British luxury passenger liner that sank on April 14–15, 1912, during its maiden voyage, en route to New York City from Southampton, England, killing about 1,500 people. Captain Smith went down with his ship and his body was never recovered. After the collision Boxall helped to fire the distress rockets and to signal the nearby ship with a morse code lamp.
Lowe only found 4 people alive and one died before being rescued by the Carpathia. Very little is known about his actions on the Titanic after the collision – he was last seen on the bridge of the sinking ship. Site created in November 2000.The maiden voyage of the Titanic was to be 62 year old Captain Smith’s last voyage before he retired. Hunderttausende warten im Hafen von New York auf die Ankunft der "Carpathia" mit den Überlebenden der "Titanic" an Bord. Upon recovery, the bodies of 209 identified and unidentified victims of the sinking were brought back to It should be noted that the "Hometown" field may be misleading. A memorial to the 244 engineers, firemen, trimmers, and greasers who lost their lives during the sinking of the There were 421 men and women assigned to the Victualling Department on the Bath Stewards were responsible for maintaining supplies in the communal bathrooms utilised by everyone except for a few First Class Passengers. After the collision they were asked to send the distress signal CQD (Come Quick Disaster). Linen Stewards were responsible for washing and maintaining all the linen on board (bed sheets, bathroom towels, table linen, etc.). Pitman was called to give evidence during the inquiry into the disaster.Joseph Boxall, aged 28, had been at sea for 13 years. Großbritannien, RMS Titanic, Tod auf hoher See, 1912. He was sucked under the sea but blown to the surface by air escaping from a vent. Pitman was called to give evidence during the inquiry into the disaster.Joseph Boxall, aged 28, had been at sea for 13 years.

In particular, the number of crew from Merseyside is understated. He managed to reach collapsible B and because there was no more room to climb on, spent several hours in the freezing water. He was transferred to the "The Titanic Disaster - A Church Stretton Victim". Of the Victualling crew, 62 were employed as Galley and Kitchen staff (around 13 survived).

Bedroom Stewards were assigned to each class, the First Class Bedroom stewards not only cleaned the rooms and made beds, but were also available to serve food in the rooms or help the passengers in getting dressed. There were 13 leading firemen (Stoker Foremen) and 163 firemen (There were 33 men employed as greasers. He joined the Titanic as first officer and was on the bridge at the time of the collision and gave the order to turn the ship. Who travelled on the Titanic? Survivors were rescued from the lifeboats by the Superscript letters, next to the body number, indicate the recovery vessel that picked up the body.

Both men were called to give evidence at the inquiry.The two radio operators’ main duty was the sending of private telegrams for passengers. Get the detailed passenger and crew lists when you A name in italics denotes a person who was saved. The Titanic crew consisted of the captain, several officers, and deckhands who accompanied the ship on its fateful voyage.

After Titanic had sunk, Pitman wanted to return for more passengers but others in the boat persuaded him that they would swamp the boat and they would all die.