You will be compensated in different ways for your remaining Plus subscription.Is Tinder Gold worth the extra price? Every feature gets awarded 1 to 5 TextGod Butts. Drop us a comment below. Todos los derechos reservados.Tu dirección de correo electrónico no será publicada. However, the standard prices in the US are the following:If you are under 30, Tinder Plus is 9.99 USD for 1 mint month, and it is 19.99 USD if you are above 30 years old. Do you have anything to add? Tinder Plus price differs depending on users age. Cuando se trata de sus características, al descargar Tinder Plus y Tinder Gold vemos que son bastante similares, la única diferencia es que Tinder Gold contiene una característica más de la que Tinder Plus carece. Ambas versiones son suscripciones en la aplicación por las que debe pagar para usarlas y sus características que no están incluidas en la versión gratuita al descargar Tinder. All you have to do is go the app Settings and Tap on Get Tinder Gold. Tinder Plus y Tinder Gold son muy similares en uso, pero también se pueden observar algunas diferencias entre ellos. Tinder Plus vs Tinder Gold – La diferencia. Conclusión. Tinder Plus vs Gold: Which should you buy? Tinder Plus y Tinder Gold son muy similares en uso, pero también se pueden observar algunas diferencias entre ellos. Don’t worry, you will be compensated for the remaining part of your Tinder Plus subscription. If you want to subscribe to one of the plans, open Tinder, go to your profile, and then select Tinder Plus or Gold. Si desea un paquete completo de funciones, Tinder Gold sería ideal para usted, pero si cree que puede hacerlo en Tinder incluso sin la función “Me gusta”, puede elegir Tinder Plus como su suscripción. 1 Butt is poor, 5 Butts is excellent. Personally, I tried Tinder Gold when they offered me a very big discount and this way I could purchase Tinder Gold for a price pretty similar to Tinder Plus’s regular price.To sum up, for most people Tinder Plus will give you the premium features that will make you more successful in Tinder, so it is enough to subscribe for Tinder Plus if you want to take advantage of premium features. Muchos usuarios vieron el pago como una discriminación por edad, pero Tinder afirmó que el pago basado en la edad se debió a que los usuarios que tienen menos de 30 años no pueden pagar 20 por mes debido a la falta de fuentes mientras que los usuarios mayores de 30 años se consideran más ricos cuando se trata de su estado financiero.Como puede, estas dos versiones premium de Tinder se diferencian principalmente en el precio porque las características son similares, excepto por la característica “Me gusta” que Tinder Plus no contiene.
So to decide whether you should buy Tinder Gold or Plus really depends on 1 question (if the price is irrelevant for you): Can you get value out of the Likes You feature?The answer is pretty easy to this question: If both of these below point are true for you, buy Tinder Gold for Tinder Likes me feature (if you have the money for it):If at least one of the points is not true in your case, then it doesn’t really make sense to have Tinder Gold.The reality is that in the last couple of years the majority of the men in Tinder are getting fewer and fewer matches because of higher competition, changes in Tinder algorithm and new paid features like There are some things you can do yourself to change this trend for you and increase your match number but Tinder Gold won’t help you with that. But you should always keep in mind: The basis for this is an attractive profile with the perfect photos and a matching profile description. Tinder Plus is worth its cost! Unerlässlich ist jedoch zu erwähnen, dass ALLE Features von Tinder Plus auch bei einem Tinder Gold-Abo enthalten sind. La diferencia radica en las características y precios que tienen estas versiones. Tinder Plus Vs Tinder Gold Tinder Plus Main Features-Reverse your action – Well, this was not possible with the official app but here you can reverse your action. Gold is also great for those who are tired of choices so with the Top Picks feature their life will be way more simple than before. Tinder Plus vs Tinder Gold: Alle Features im Überblick. Dado que hay dos versiones premium, uno puede tener inmediatamente la idea de que una versión debe tener algo más de lo que la otra carece. Currently, Tinder Gold has all the features that Tinder Plus has and two exclusive features that are not available in Tinder Plus.So you can use all of these features whether you have Plus or Gold.When you have Tinder Gold, you get access to these two exclusive features:We reviewed extensively these features on the blog, but here is the gist of those reviews. Las características que ofrece Tinder Plus son las mismas que en la versión Tinder Gold, la única diferencia es la característica El precio de Tinder Plus difiere según la edad de los usuarios. Here you can undo your swipe and re-swipe the one whom you have swiped off accidentally. 2019-2020. Si pagas seis meses juntos te costará 10,7€ al mes. In the Tinder Plus vs. Gold distinction, we can safely say that Gold is made for those who are not used to wasting time when looking for someone to have fun with. Si pagas doce meses al mismo tiempo te costará 9,7€ al mes.
WICHTIG: Im Nachfolgenden werde ich dir alle Tinder Plus und Tinder Gold-Features strukturiert auflisten. Review (2020)Tinder Top Picks – Worth buying Tinder Gold for it? In this article, we will compare these two subscription packages’ features and prices. As with all Tinder premium features, the pricing of these subscriptions can change based on your gender, physical location and age. Thanks!Yes, you can. We want to hear your thoughts regarding Tinder Plus vs Gold. For more details, And that’s it. After the comparison, we will tell you which you should buy based on your preferences.In terms of features, they are quite easy to compare. Cuando se trata de sus precios, podría haber usuarios que no pueden pagar la suscripción de Tinder pero no se preocupen, ¡lo tenemos! Therefore it gives you 10 very attractive potential matches, but you still won’t really have more matches just because of this feature.When Tinder Gold was first introduced, it actually only had this feature and later they added 10 Top Picks, but as we have explained, it didn’t really increase the value of Gold package. Por 6 meses: Teniendo Tinder Gold + Tinder Plus.