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Previously, Kevin was a writer for ComicsVerse.com. And that, of course, was Odin's plan all along — by giving Bill the advantage, he was testing not his physical strength, but the nobility that would make him worthy of the great power he was offered.Rather than giving Mjolnir to Bill, Odin returned the hammer to Thor, and then requested Eitri and the dwarves of the underground realm of Nidavellir to craft a second hammer: Stormbreaker.

The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. This was the new status quo for several years -- that is, until Jane Foster's realm-shattering fight with the monstrous Mangog ended up with the Goddess of Thunder sacrificing Mjolnir into the heart of the sun to fell the murderous beast in 2018's Thor series. A one-stop shop for all things video games.

While Kevin is a huge Marvel fan, he also loves Batman because he's Batman and is a firm believer that Han shot first.

Naturally, this is odd as it seems that the assumed rule of worthiness has been broken or at least changed in some way, especially … Rather than returning Mjolnir to Thor, he demanded that Thor and Bill fight each other to the death in the fiery realm of Skartheim — and Bill won that one, too.While Beta Ray Bill won the fight to determine who would wield the power of Thor, he also decided that fighting to the death wasn't something he was particularly into. Mjolnir, the hammer so powerful that its blows created the sound of thunder whenever it struck an enemy, is the big one. Instead, Jane Foster picked up the hammer and became the new Thor. Instead, it bears a striking (get it?) True to its intimidating name, it's a weapon that's almost as tough as Mjolnir, razor-sharp, indestructible, blessed with Thor's own godly blood to cut through even cosmically powered enemies.And it's a good thing, too. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. In order to represent the idea of all the disparate parts of the MCU coming together for © 2020 Looper.com. When Thor doubted his own worthiness and found himself unable to heft Mjolnir as a result, the hammer found a new wielder in the form of a new, female Thor. Thunderstrike (the mace) functioned pretty much exactly like Mjolnir, but with one major difference: its inscription reads "The World Still Needs Heroes." — once turned Thor into a frog, and he hung out with some Thor wasn't always worthy enough to lift Mjolnir, and during his years (perhaps even centuries) as a hot-headed, arrogant brawler, he had another weapon of choice when it was time to go bust up some frost giants: an axe named Jarnbjorn.If you recall the iron-gripping Járngreipr, it might not surprise you to learn that the name of this particular axe translates from Norwegian to the awesomely badass "Iron Bear."

The Thor #7 cover artwork features several different Marvel heroes reaching for Thor's hammer with the intent to pick it up. The most prominent is probably Thunderstrike's mace, Thunderstrike, and yes: the dude and the weapon both have the same name. Kevin lives in Oregon with his wonderful wife and sinister cat who is no doubt currently plotting his demise. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers During the classic Walt Simonson run on Thor, an alien named Beta Ray Bill proved he was worthy to wield Mjolnir and the powers of Thor. The storytelling style was purposefully meant to be more cinematic, but the characters didn't take long to diverge pretty wildly from their core-universe counterparts. To a man without a hammer, every problem looks like you could probably solve it with an axe.In terms of visuals, the MCU's version of Stormbreaker doesn't quite resemble Beta Ray Bill's hammer, although it has the same basic double-headed hammer/axe shape. He fought Thor to a stalemate due to a misunderstanding, but his noble heart allowed him to lift the hammer and take the power himself, briefly leaving Thor trapped in the human form of Don Blake.Once Odin found out that someone else had taken his son's power, his response was... well, probably not the best example of parenting you're likely to find in comics. Disney also shares a big part of his fan patronage. It turns out Eric Masterson is not an exceptionally creative superhero.But you don't really need to be that creative when you're Thor, since "hit bad guy with hammer" is a pretty straightforward process.

It can channel Thor's lightning, returns to his hand after it's thrown, and if the battle against the Black Order and the Chitauri in Wakanda is anything to judge by, it also packs a pretty serious punch. Either way, his suit and hammer were technological, not magical... at first. Kevin Erdmann is one of Screen Rant's staff writers. "In the movie, Stormbreaker is basically an upgraded version of Mjolnir. Eventually, his godhood was confirmed, and it was revealed that the techno-Mjolnir he'd carried was designed to look like his memories of his actual godly hammer.The Ultimate Universe was eventually destroyed, but a few of its elements wound up making their way to the regular Marvel U, including this interdimensional version of Mjolnir. It also gave Bill all of Thor's powers, including the enchantment that would transform him from his superhuman but horse-like appearance into the far more humanoid form he'd originally had before he volunteered to defend his people.