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Label: Fiction Records - FICS 002,Fiction Records - 2059 143 • Format: Vinyl 7 The Cure - Boys Don't Cry (1979, Vinyl) | Discogs Please PM me if you have one for sale! Was it accidentally deleted?
It is no longer here under BDC, or as a separate Master Release in the database. Boys Don't Cry est une chanson du groupe The Cure, parue en single sur le label Fiction Records au format 45 tours en juin 1979, avec Plastic Passion en face B. Les deux titres sont inclus dans l' album Boys Don't Cry (variante de l'album Three Imaginary Boys destinée à l'origine au marché américain) qui sort en février 1980. Boys Don't Cry "Boys Don't Cry" is a song by English rock band The Cure. It was released in the UK as a stand-alone single in June 1979, and was included as the title track on Boys Don't Cry, the American equivalent to Three Imaginary Boys. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1979 Vinyl release of Boys Don't Cry on Discogs. I am not making money off of these videos, nor is it my intentions to do so at any time in the future. finaly find it in France ! hi! The Cure - Boys Don't Cry 1979 All clips and music used in these videos belong to their owners. Boys Don't Cry is the Cure's first compilation album. sorry ! Looking to buy only the sleeve for this! If you like the song, please purchase the CD or DVD and support the artist and his/her record company. Released in February 1980, this album is composed of several tracks from the band's May 1979 debut album Three Imaginary Boys (which had yet to see a U.S. release) with material from the band's 1978-1979 era. What happened to the Boys Don't Cry/10:15 Saturday Night Australian 7" release on Stunn? Is there a way to retrieve previously deleted database entries? Data Correct