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Guardian Angel is great because it allows him to obliterate units that were ‘grappled’ before his first death, as the effect persists over Guardian Angel’s revival.When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. If you opt for it, you might get also Phantom Dancer to help him against auto-attackers.Jayce is a Shapeshifter, so he will increase his health points once transformed, but meanwhile he doesn’t have many HP at level 1. Late: She gets outshined by Aurelion Sol, but still contributes meaningfully to caster damage.Blitzcrank 1. She requires some defensive items, and the best choices are Guardian Angel and Warmog’s Armor; the latter to exploit the Brawler’s bonus health.Spear of Shojin is also a viable pick due to the potential of her ultimate and its high mana cost.“Raid Boss” Volibear is actually one of my preferred champions in TFT because it is very satisfying observing his DPS meter :P.Rapid Firecannon is the only essential item on him because he requires some attack range to be effective.Afterwards, you can get a second Rapid Firecannon and Guinsoo’s Rageblade to maximize his damage. Best Stats: health. Titanic Hydra is a solid option if you want to boost his damage.Thanks to the passive Buckshot, Grave’s attacks hit all enemies in front of him, so he can exploit on-hit effect items such as Red Buff, Hush, and Cursed Blade.Titanic Hydra is also an optimal DPS and survivability pick if you can upgrade him to three stars. While she might seem not very threatening, her extreme attack speed with Rageblade and a Giant Slayer can quickly shred the enemy team.Xayah is a TFT Blademaster whose ability is just to attack faster – so all we want to do is best utilize that, by putting items that best stack with high attack speed on her. Spear of Sho’jin allows him to ulti several times. Stattik shiv is an item she makes a good use of due to her decent early game spell and a very high base attack speed, and Guardian Angel makes a early 2cost unit twice as strong.Being a one cost unit Xayah is easy to three star, which is the only situation she’s worth fully investing items into. For many champions, like Ziggs, this is a nerf, but for units like Riven or Cassiopeia, Blue Buff is one of their best items. One of the best options is the trio composed of Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Statikk Shiv, and Giant Slayer.Alternatively, you can also opt for the classic damage route with Infinity Edge.Requiem requires 85 mana, so you want two Seraph’s Embrace to cast this spell as much as possible during the combat round.Rabadon’s Deathcap or Morellonomicon are the best choices to maximize his damage, but Karthus is able to win the game even without them - he just needs the extra mana.I love the mechanic behind Kassadin: Nether Blade steals mana from the targets and converts it into a personal shield.With Rapid Firecannon and Guinsoo’s Rageblade he will inflict lots of damage, prevent the opponents from casting their special ability, and increase his survivability via the shield.For the third item slot, you want either Phantom Dancer or Dragon’s Claw to make him tankier.Katarina depends on her ultimate Death Lotus to inflict damage.
In each TFT match, you’ll usually have one build-around champion that exists at the intersection of your team’s class and origin. Bramble Vest (2x Chain Vest)

This item guide shows the best and the recommended items to build on each Teamfight Tactics (TFT) champion.I have been asked several times to provide a list of the best items on each champion.

Best Items: Warmog’s Armor, Morellonomicon. Rabadon’s Deathcap is also a potential option.Mordekaiser doesn’t have core items.
Ahri 1. I suggest building him with defensive items, and adding Thornmail for some extra damage.Rabadon’s Deathcap and Morellonomicon are the best choices to maximize the damage inflicted by Morgana’s Soul Shackles.Afterwards, I recommend building a defensive item like Guardian Angel and Locket of the Iron Solari.You can build Nidalee both as a DPS or a tank.