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The study revealed the diversity of apps that are streamed on the TV with each app in the Top 25 watched by, at minimum, almost 10 percent of streamers.These are findings from an Ipsos poll conducted March 6–10, 2017 on behalf of TCL. TCL, America’s fastest-growing television brand and leader in providing streaming content, published the results of a national survey conducted by Ipsos on TV app usage, the proliferation of streaming on the big screen and the popularity of specific apps.

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(#) Requires downloading manufacturer portal app on a smart phone or tablet and casting onto the TV(*) Requires downloading app on a smart phone or tablet and casting onto the TV(!) Spotify is temporarily unavailable on Roku TV platforms as it looks to improve the overall experience. Data usage charges and conditions apply.This site uses cookies to improve your experience. +91-9790584809, 0413-4900809 joyelectronicsindia@gmail.com. View Now
View Now For example, most Smart TVs have multiple built-in apps such as Netflix, YouTube or Facebook pre-installed.Effortless access to your favourite content in one place. TV. Spotify hopes to have a better version of the app on these devices in future.TCL Roku TVs offer more of the most popular TV appsMillennials are more likely to stream Fox Sports Go than WatchESPNof Americans use Netflix to stream content on their TVs The precision of Ipsos online polls is measured using a credibility interval. *Freeview Plus uses HbbTV technology which combines broadcast and broadband.

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