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The Sukhoi Superjet 100 was Russia's first post-Soviet passenger plane and was intended to revive the country's civil aviation industry. The dispute centres on what happened to the stricken plane when it was hit by lightning soon after taking off from Sheremetyevo International Airport in Moscow.Prosecutors say the pilot botched the landing, coming in at too steep an angle. MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia’s main home-grown passenger plane, the Sukhoi Superjet 100, will be used by the United Nations for its peacekeeping missions after a contract was signed last month, according to Rosaviatsiya, Russia’s federal air transport agency. 'As a result, 40 passengers and one crew member were killed, and (ten) others were badly injured. He returned to the airport making a rough 'jumping' emergency landing which led to fire engulfing the plane on 5 May last year, separate footage shows.Denis Evdokimov, 42, had been formally charged with violation of safety rules and the negligent control of his plane leading mass deaths, harm to health and major damage The new video shows the plane spin to a halt with its rear engulfed in toxic flames.After some 17 seconds the first front chute is opened and four seconds later the first passenger escapes onto the tarmac.Passengers from the front of the plane slide out of the aircraft and run from the burning Superjet.The emergency services are seen arriving and seeking to extinguish the inferno.The Russian Investigative Committee announced today that Evdokimov had been formally charged with violation of safety rules and the negligent control of his plane leading mass deaths, harm to health and major damage.His failure to control the lightning-hit Superjet 'resulted in the destruction … of the aircraft' killing 40 passengers and one crew member.Ten people were injured. Nor were there problems with the aircraft to prevent a safe emergency landing, said the committee.The first front chute is opened after 17 seconds and four seconds later the first passenger escapes onto the tarmac in MoscowThe second chute is opened after 30 seconds allowing more passengers to escape the infernoA total 37 passengers escaped the flames in May with ten people injured as passengers from the front of the plane were able to slide out the aircraft'Investigators and experts studied the data of the flight recorders of the crashed aircraft, according to which during the flight the aircraft adequately responded to the pilot's control actions,' said a statement.The captain's lawyer Natalya Mitusova claims the experienced Aeroflot pilot is being made a scapegoat after suspicions that the authorities are seeking to protect the reputation of the Superjet, a Russian-made aircraft over which safety concerns have been raised.She claimed the aircraft did not 'obey' the pilot as he took manual control of the aircraft after the lightning strike. In all, 37 people escaped alive from the carnage. Distressing new footage has emerged of passengers fleeing from an inferno jet as the Russian authorities today charged the plane's captain with negligence after it was hit by lightning.Forty-one people died in the blaze after the Aeroflot Sukhoi Superjet 100 crash landed at Sheremetyevo, Moscow's business international airport.A video that forms part of the criminal investigation shows flames more than 100ft high engulfing the aircraft, yet 37 escaped from the horror.Lyft rider rips down COVID-19 protection barrier and attacks driverBeirut wedding interrupted by explosion that rocked the cityPoignant moment Beirut pianist plays inside her wrecked homeThe Guernsey Police recruitment video that is explosive to watchSix-year-old girl chokes on chicken nugget with a face mask insideFootage shows crashed vintage Royal Naval fighter planeRed plume of smoke towers above Beirut after massive explosionWoman carefully brings field mouse back to life & nurses it betterMotorcyclist narrowly avoids being crushed by rubbish truckBeirut firefighters attend blaze at warehouse before explosionGas station explodes after car crashed on North Brunswick roadMaid rushes to protect girl as shockwave from Beirut blast hitsThe Aeroflot jet crashed on to a runway at Sheremetyevo, Moscow's business international airport, after being hit by lightning and was engulfed in flamesEmergency services fight the 100ft flames after the plane crash landed and erupted into a toxic inferno which killed 41 peopleCaptain Denis Evdokimov, 42, has claimed he is being made a scapegoat after his Murmansk-bound domestic flight was hit by lightning soon after takeoff.He faces up to seven years in jail if convicted.

MOSCOW - Russia's Sukhoi Superjet 100 was the country's first post-Soviet passenger plane and intended to revive the civil aviation … Asked about the Superjet contract, a spokesman for the United Nations said it uses a number of different vendors for its aviation needs. REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin/File Photo

The aircraft, which entered service in 2011 and was the first passenger jet built in Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union, has had a troubled history despite the state pouring billions of dollars into its development. Sukhoi Superjet 100: chequered past of Russian aviation hope. Reporting by Gleb Stolyarov in Moscow with additional reporting by Michelle Nichols in New York; Writing by Alexander Marrow; Editing by Jane Merriman/Mark HeinrichFILE PHOTO: A Sukhoi Superjet 100 jet is seen on the runway at the MAKS 2017 air show in Zhukovsky, outside Moscow, Russia, July 18, 2017. A year after the ill-fated Aeroflot Superjet-100 flight from Moscow to Murmansk, the accident is still surrounded by the veil of speculation and controversy. Ahead of its launch, Sukhoi said it wanted to win 20 percent of the global market in regional passenger planes. FILE PHOTO: A Sukhoi Superjet 100 jet is seen on the runway at the MAKS 2017 air show in Zhukovsky, outside Moscow, Russia, July 18, 2017. The Sukhoi Superjet 100 has been a top contender to replace the Iran’s aging aircraft lineup, but talks have stalled over Iranian concerns that the Superjet 100 is composed of over 10 percent U.S. parts and therefore runs afoul of American sanctions against Iran. The deal was closed by Russian regional carrier Yakutia Airlines, a Rosaviatsiya representative told Reuters.