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Übersetzung des Liedes „Desert Rose“ (Sting) von Arabisch, Englisch nach Deutsch 50+ videos Play all Mix - sting - desert rose with lyrics YouTube; Desert Rose Lyrics - Sting ft. Cheb Mami (ALL WORDS in Arabic + English and translation) - Duration: 4:36. gemmarwen 103,112 views. I dream of fire Those dreams are tied to a horse that will never tire And in the flames Her shadows play in the shape of a man's desire. 4:36.
This is great thank you! “Desert Rose” is a single from Sting’s album, Brand New Day(1999). Die deutsche Übersetzung von Desert Rose und andere Sting Lyrics und Videos findest du kostenlos auf Can anyone tell me what they say with transcriptions in Arabic and translations please?
Cheb Mami (Including Arabic parts) YouTube Bulla Ki Jaana Main Kaun – Rabbi Shergill Lyrics [PUNJABI | ROM | ENG] - Duration: 5:14.
Kein süßliches Parfüm hat mich jemals mehr gequält als dieses 2 in Canada, No. “Desert Rose” is a single from Sting’s album, Brand New Day(1999).All last summer I lived with Cheb Mami’s album. Here's the text with Arabic script. Ich träume von Liebe, während die Zeit in meiner Hand zerrinnt 17 in the US. 50+ videos Play all Mix - Sting - Desert Rose [Lyrics] Feat. 15 in the UK, and No. [@Fary] Sure thing, the current lyrics posted are a transliteration.
According to Sting, the lyrics have to do with "lost love and longing". 50+ videos Play all Mix - sting - desert rose with lyrics YouTube Desert Rose Lyrics - Sting ft. Cheb Mami (ALL WORDS in Arabic + English and translation) - Duration: 4:36. Riding a wave of pre-9/11 interest in Latin and Arabic cultures, the song peaked at No.
Later I asked him what he was talking about, he answered that he sang about desire, craving of a loved person.
This desert rose Each of her veils, a secret promise This desert …
I asked him: just improvise, in arab, on my melody. The lyrics of the song are inspired by the Frank Herbert novel, Dune, of which Sting is a fan. The translated Arabic lyrics are UNDERLINED. Very impressed, I began to write a song on this experience and we met. I always considered that it was the music which wrote the text. "“Oh night, oh night, it has been a long time and I am looking for myself and my loved one.” Eating, walking, all the time. This desert rose Each of her veils, a secret promise This desert … Dieses seltene Parfüm ist die süßliche Trunkenheit der VerderbnisWell, that's a bit cryptic to me. In diese Richtung, bewegt sie sich mit der Logik all meiner Träume He does whatever he wants with it, it really impressed me, as did his talent as a musician.
Dieses seltene Parfüm ist die süßliche Trunkenheit ihrer Liebe
It’s longer, but more organic.
"Desert Rose" is a song by British musician Sting ft. Cheb Mami from his album Brand New Day.
Desert Rose
[Sting:] I dream of rain I dream of gardens in the desert sand I wake in vain I dream of love as time runs through my hand. Ich träume von Liebe, während die Zeit in meiner Hand zerrinnt Like a sculptor who kneads his material, then notices a nose, a leg. Jene Träume sind an ein Pferd angebunden, das nie ermüden wird I dream of fire Those dreams are tied to a horse that will never tire And in the flames Her shadows play in the shape of a man's desire. perfect!!! Ich träume von Liebe, während die Zeit in meiner Hand zerrinnt Labels: arabic lyrics, Cheb mami lyrics, desert rose arabic lyrics, sting lyrics. NOTE: The translated Arabic lyrics sung by Cheb Mami are located after the song's lyrics that were sung by Sting.
Kein süßliches Parfüm hat mich jemals mehr gequält als dieses
I asked him if he’d like to sing for me, in a way to ‘authenticate’ my experience (ironic smile).
I corrected some lines in it. I corrected some lines in it. [@Fary] Sure thing, the current lyrics posted are a transliteration.