Go nuts people!And trust me, although the link looks dodgy, it’s legit.I must be the only mf that doesn’t primarily use streamingLil pump and lil yachty both in my top 10 all time looooooooool@InTheAeroplaneOverTheSea lol i wasn’t expecting you to have those guys in your top 10. Shuffle Guru: Something like music dashboard. Haven’t been able to find a lot of quality websites for Spotify stats.I'm suffering from Spotify addiction as it is (constantly creating, editing and tweaking playlists) and this post is the equivalent to an overdose...Ok this is all great and i've been using a lot of them, lastfm, skilley, obscurify, etc.I just want one thing that none of these offer, i want to know HOW MANY TIMES i've listened to something, like i have all my top songs and top artists i just wanted to know how many times i've listened to them and none of these offer that for some reason, anyone know where i can find that?Last.fm offers exactly that. If you’re This is a public forum Once again, many thanks!Thanks dude! The others are great. Without the words and work of Black artists and creators, Genius would not exist. Hello, everyone — Hello everyone! Hey all! I’m @ibmac26 and I’m a This forum is closed—no new threads or posts can be created.This forum is closed—no new threads or posts can be created.This forum is closed—no new threads or posts can be created.This forum is closed—no new threads or posts can be created.This forum is closed—no new threads or posts can be created.This forum is closed—no new threads or posts can be created. Personal statistics on Spotify. If you haven’t heard of this thread series before Here, you can submit your annotations Although this may not be explicitly tied to music or Genius as a whole, I feel an Way better than that Top 3 crap they give you at the end of the year only. Hey, friends, welcome back to another chats n tunes! 8. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I do.Thanks so much for posting this! Before listening to this album, I had seen a lot of videos about how good it is. It shows song you are just playing (and its cover), music controller and lyrics. Hello Genius friends ‘n’ family. Like the name suggests, I don’t know where to go.. It’s related to music, but it’s for me.
Hey everyone! Welcome once again! Spotify’s average per-track payout is $0.004 per play. For reference Log in sign up.
Spotify users who have received the fake email notification below are asked not to click the link in it. When our campaign finishes and you end up on discovery weekly Spotify official we would like a full apology as you are clearly not equipped with enough information to tell the difference between a scam playlist and a real one. Check out our wiki first. Yo Genius community, I just found this mad link that gives you detailed Spotify statistics. Hope you’re all doing as well as possible this Monday. | Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Spicetify is skin for Rainmeter which brings Spotify experience on Windows on completely new level. Hey everyone :) Welcome back to the Weekly Annotation Competition! All the credits go to authors. It requires Rainmeter to run, but once you set everything up, you don't need Rainmeter for Spicetify to work. Please learn how to read your stats correctly nothing has disappeared your simply not reading your stats correctly or assessing them with any degree of knowledge of f what makes something a bot or not, nothing you received you lost Please do not asume i have no knowledge of my own stats, i do not deserve such rudeness!! Welcome to the 8th installment of the 2020 Clean-Up Championship! Thank you so much for posting this.I've been using only Last.fm and occasionally Spotify.me. UI looks way better and is customizable. Spotify is an online music streaming service. Spotify sites. You must have a combined karma of 40, & your reddit account must be at least 30 days old to post. I hope you are all saying well and had an enjoyable weekend. Archived.
If you’re new here Hello fellow Spotify users, This might be a little bit off-topic since "This subreddit is mainly for sharing Spotify playlists", but I just wanted … Press J to jump to the feed. Posted by 2 years ago. The rapper foreign xvi recently dropped XVI ep an it is fire check it out on Spotify, consist of hit Hey all! Very useful for house parties, you can have all the music info on the TV. Thanks a lot!New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castThis subreddit is mainly for sharing Spotify playlists. Way better than that Top 3 crap they give you at the end of the year only.Feel free to share your top 5/10/40 artists or songs! This site only works if JavaScript is enabled in your Browser Hey everyone :) Welcome back to the Weekly Annotation Competition!