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Also available as App!Learn the translation for ‘SUCHWORT’ in LEO’s English ⇔ German dictionary. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses ✓ links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions ✓ free vocabulary trainer ✓LEO uses cookies in order to facilitate the fastest possible website experience with the most functions.
die Mannschaft pl. to be left out of the squad [football] nicht im Kader stehensports to call up sb.
Disable your ad blocker for LEO or make a donation.You need to be logged in to start a new thread. Offering forums, vocabulary trainer and language courses. It looks like you’re using an ad blocker.
... wenn nötig können sie (die arbeit) vom squad übernehmen,wenn... (passiv) - If needed they can be taken over from the attack-squad if... Last post 17 Dec 12, 18:19: Ich brauche den aktiven Satz "If needed they can take over from..." ins passiv: 6 Replies Switch to mobile view.
With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses ✓ links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions ✓ free vocabulary trainer ✓LEO uses cookies in order to facilitate the fastest possible website experience with the most functions.
Disable your ad blocker for LEO or make a donation.You need to be logged in to start a new thread. Get help from other users in our forums.Vertiefen Sie sich in die englische und deutsche Grammatik von LEO - mit tausenden Beispielen!SUCHWORT - Translation in LEO’s English ⇔ German DictionaryLEO.org: Your online dictionary for English-German translations. Your contribution supports us in maintaining and developing our services.Please note: Contributions to LEO GmbH are not tax deductible.Enter a text into the text field and highlight one or several words with the mouse to look up a translation.In need of language advice? For further information about this subject please refer to the information under Aktivieren Sie JavaScript für mehr Features und höhere Geschwindigkeit beim Abfragen.Type Chinese Pinyin syllables to get a list of corresponding Chinese characters. das Zinnerz-Spat-Gemisch squad - Cornwall. Squad Definition: A squad is a section of a police force that is responsible for dealing with a particular... | Bedeutung, Aussprache, Übersetzungen und Beispiele : die Riegen squad [SPORT.] : die Mannschaften squad [SPORT.] Registration and participation are free!You need to be logged in to use the vocabulary trainer. In some cases cookies from third parties are also used. Seite auf Deutsch Advertising. Tin ore mixed with spar [GEOL.] : die Streifenwagen squad car der Funkstreifenwagen squad leader Registration and participation are free!You need to be logged in to use the vocabulary trainer.
(in den Nationalkader) berufensports to claim a place in the squad [football] den Sprung in den Kader …
Registration and use of the trainer are free of charge We put a lot of love and effort into our project. Get help from other users in our forums.Vertiefen Sie sich in die englische und deutsche Grammatik von LEO - mit tausenden Beispielen!SUCHWORT - Translation in LEO’s English ⇔ German DictionaryLEO.org: Your online dictionary for English-German translations. Registration and use of the trainer are free of charge We put a lot of love and effort into our project. das Kader (Switzerland) squad - Cornwall. Also available as App!Learn the translation for ‘SUCHWORT’ in LEO’s English ⇔ German dictionary. Tin ore mixed with spar [GEOL.] Hey bei mir ist die Oberfläche von squad auf englisch weiß jemand wie ich das auf deutsch stelle gibt es das schon danke im voraus :) habe übrigens steam und das game in den einstellungen auf deutsch ingame bleibt es englisch. squad [SPORT.]
Forums. die Riege pl. Offering forums, vocabulary trainer and language courses. In some cases cookies from third parties are also used.
For further information about this subject please refer to the information under Aktivieren Sie JavaScript für mehr Features und höhere Geschwindigkeit beim Abfragen.Type Chinese Pinyin syllables to get a list of corresponding Chinese characters. Your contribution supports us in maintaining and developing our services.Please note: Contributions to LEO GmbH are not tax deductible.Enter a text into the text field and highlight one or several words with the mouse to look up a translation.In need of language advice? (to the national squad) jdn.
die Zinnerz-Spat-Mischung squad car der Streifenwagen pl.