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Sparrows Challenge Vault. This is more than a puzzle box … This is safe cracking!Get ready to learn a new skill with this challenge. Once completed for the first time the vault will open to reveal a collection of tools and parts that will allow you to alter the safe into a progressively harder challenge.

This is more than a puzzle box … This is safe cracking! 0. The Vault is much more than a onetime puzzle. The Vault is a professional three wheel lock and safe dial that is mounted onto a desk top presentation case. Whoops, you're not connected to Mailchimp. The Vault is much more than a onetime puzzle.Q: Is this a fire proof safe that I can keep valuable documents in?Q: My brother changed the combination and I can’t get the damn thing open.Q: Once open, can I keep things inside it … like a lighter and grinder?Q: At the hardest setting is it hard like a real safe?Whoops, you're not connected to Mailchimp. prev next . You need to enter a valid Mailchimp API key. It also includes a special key for changing the combination. Home High Security and Challenge Locks (1610) Review: Sparrows Vault Training Safe. The Vault is a professional three wheel lock and safe dial that is mounted onto a desk top presentation case. We have a variety of lock pick sets all made with an extremely durable and flexible stainless steel.

now viewing (1610) Review: Sparrows Vault … Get ready to learn a new skill with this challenge.

SPARROWS Challenge Vault This is more than a puzzle box … this is safe cracking. You need to enter a valid Mailchimp API key.

15 0. more . High Security and Challenge Locks. 0 0 +15.

The sparrow's vault is way easier as the contact points are very solid. Spin the dial, listen and feel the clicks of the wheels as you manipulate the Vault … We have a variety of lock pick sets all made with an extremely durable and flexible stainless steel. Get ready to learn a new skill with this challenge. Sparrows Lock Picks manufacturers a full range of quality lock pick sets. Get ready to learn a new skill with this challenge. November 30, 2019. Bill 0 (1610) Review: Sparrows Vault Training Safe. It also includes a special key for changing the combination. 0. The Vault. Quality control is a bit iffy so you might have some issues but sparrows has been more than helpful and replaced the 1 part that wasn't working correctly in mine.. Spin the dial, listen and feel the clicks of the wheels as you manipulate the Vault open. By consulting professionals in the community we have created what … The Vault is a professional three wheel lock and safe dial that is mounted onto a desk top presentation case. The Vault is a professional three wheel lock and safe dial that is mounted onto a desk top presentation case. As for the sparrows vault, it's a pretty good learning tool!

By consulting professionals in the community we have created what we believe is the very best in lock pick designs. Spin the dial, listen and feel the clicks of the w Once completed for the first time the vault will open to reveal a collection of tools and parts that will allow you to alter the safe into a progressively harder challenge. This is more than a puzzle box … this is safe cracking. Get ready to learn a new skill with this challenge. Sparrows Lock Picks manufacturers a full range of quality lock pick sets and ships direct from the USA. I just made the cutaway myself using a dremel and handsaw. The Vault is a professional three wheel lock and safe dial that is mounted onto a desk top presentation case.

Sparrows BlackFlags Dimple Picks; Just in time for x-mas 2019, Sparrow have released The Vault.

Includes downloadable instructions to get you started.

Spin the dial, listen and feel the clicks of the wheels as you manipulate the Vault open.