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The military aid supplies included both cutting edge material used to test new arms and tactics in a proxy war (such as …
Did I miss something?Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts by email.Enjoy what you read on Forgotten Weapons? Plus, with the advent of so many good air combat rules, I would think that at least the major Fighters would be mentioned/listed, as most if not all were also used in ground attack.Ground Attack: Ba.65, I-15, I-152(or,I-15bis), He.70, Cr.32bis, Hs.123Fighters: Cr.32, Cr.32bis Hawker Fury I & II, He.112, Bf109A-D, He.51B, I-15, I-152, I-16 (4-10), G.50 Of course there were many others, but most were so few in number that this list is decent, but not comprehensive.Thanks for the information. The Spanish Civil War is a relatively un-remembered conflict here in the US, but it is a fascinating event for firearms enthusiasts because of the huge variety of arms used.
I’d appreciate it if some readers out there can recommend other good books (in English) that deal with the overall conflict – origins, inside/outside influences, immediate aftermath. It was a defenseless civilian population center subject to terror bombing by mercenary pilots flying for Spain’s Army of Africa. The Plus Ultra I’ve been doing some reading a researching on the Spanish Civil War in preparation for an upcoming month that will be dedicated to that conflict and the arms involved in it (which include virtually everything The Spanish firm of Garate Anitua y Cia manufactured this copy of the Mannlicher 1901/1905 pistol for just a brief period around 1910.
The Austrian reference is puzzling, but I could not find any Austrian “08/15” weapons that would explain it. I don´t like his books, too side minded. THE WAR THAT HITLER FIRST USED THE “LIGHTING-WAR”. The latter two got cashiered for “not fighting properly” in 1940, and exiled to Morocco before June, which was how they ended up commanding the Free French after that.Ironically, everybody rounded on the Germans for bombing Guernica, overlooking the detail that the arms factory there was the primary target and the town itself was “collateral damage”. Specially interesting are Artemio Mortera´s book series about artillery and Manrique García & Molina Franco general work “Las armas de la Guerra Civil Española”.I took a quick online look at Garcia’s and Franco’s book, but couldn’t tell if it covered small arms in the detail that I was looking for. 167 Maxim 08/18 SMGs in 9mm para! The Army of Africa commanded by Col Juan Yague Blanco advanced in four columns into western Spain. The Spanish Civil War (Spanish: Guerra Civil Española)[note 2] was a civil war in Spain fought from 1936 to 1939. The Condor Legion and Spaniards in the Nationalist wing were highly cognizant that the Basque country was about to fall, and the arms factories were going to be theirs unless they were sabotaged. The principal weapon was the Hotchkiss Model 1922, a bipod-mounted magazine- … At the beginning of the civil war the Spanish army had about 3,000 light machine guns on strength. I haven’t found much on aid to the rebels beyond a few references in more general works.
I freely admit that aircraft are not my thing, and when I do mention planes they are far more likely to be ground support than anything else.I had read an article that the primary arm of the Spanish Civil War, based on numbers at least, was the Spanish 9 mm pistol, often equipped with a brace to be more “rifle like” The articles and websites I find are dominated by aircraft role in the war as well as artillery from foreign sources but of the 75 plus battles I wonder how much of the munitions expended was actually pistol fireBy Steven Thomas on 21 Feb 2001 | Last Updated 5 Aug 2013 I was particularly looking for details on Nationalist weapons, which Howson barely covers.Carlos is absolutely right. The Soviet Union in particular used the Spain as a dumping-ground for all the miscellaneous small arms they had accumulated during and after WWI, sold to Spain for hard gold bullion.If you are interested in further research, the books Leonard references in his paper are:The “Plus Ultra” was a variation on the Ruby automatic pistol made by Gabilondo y Urresti (the original holders of the Ruby trademark) just shortly before they changed their name to Llama. They were furnished to the “Raggruppamento Carristi”, or tank group, which in 1938 had about one hundred tankettes.The Soviet Union delivered to the Republican faction at least 281 T-26 tanks, armed with an excellent 45 mm gun, plus 50 BT-5 fast tanks (system Christie and forerunner of the T-34) and 60 armored cars. The coins had a worth far exceeding their weight to collectors, with many worth 10, 20 or 100 times their face value.
Please consider He’s weaker on identifying the precise types of small arms delivered by the Poles and the Russians, and on arms delivered by other countries, such as Czechoslovakia and Greece. Francisco Franco invited foreigners to bomb his own nation’s capital Madrid. Of much more importance in the north (Basque Country and Santander)were “Sociedad Española de Construcción Naval” or SECN’s factories in Sestao y Reinosa. The Spanish Civil War is a definite hole in my history knowledge. I’m still checking this out … Lafitte 50 mm modelo 1925 (French) Lafitte 60 mm (French) Valero 60 mm modelo 1926 (Spanish) Stokes-Brandt 81 mm modelo 1929 . Spanish, German and French authors have since published better books.Hugh Thomas´ book is a classic and still a good book, but is a general history not a military one.Beevor’s “The Spanish Civil War” for me is a money maker.