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It is the only place on earth where these two competing designs are operated side-by-side. CAIRO - 22 October 2018: Egyptian Navy held a ceremony on Oct.21 to celebrate the 51st anniversary of sinking the Israeli destroyer Eilat. Details of the weapons fit are sensitive, but it is likely to include up-to-date torpedoes and anti-ship missiles. This is instead of Germany’s main export offering, the Type-214. There is no sign of these yet on the Type-209s but there is evidence of a diver lock-out chamber in the sail, pointing to this role.The new boats will keep the Egyptian Navy dominant in North Africa. The third brand new Type-209/1400 class submarine arrived from its delivery voyage from Germany on May 5. The Romeos are fitted with external containers to support special forces. Dr. Shaul Shay explains how the current arms deal with France will help Egypt to upgrade its already powerful navyMistral-class helicopter carrier docking at Saint-Nazaire harbor (Photo: AP)On September 16, 2016, the Egyptian Navy Commander, Admiral Osama Rabie, raised the Egyptian flag on board of the BPC-210 Mistral Class amphibious assault ship (BPC/LHD). The new subs are replacing four Chinese Type-033 Romeo Class boats. This article is within the scope of WikiProject Ships, a project to improve all Ship-related articles.If you would like to help improve this and other articles, please join the project, or contribute to the project discussion.All interested editors are welcome. C This article has been rated as C-Class on the project's quality scale. The Mistral class are the most impressive warships in North Africa. That would have allowed the submarine to run submerged for much longer, making it harder to detect. The Mistral class can be deployed as command and control vessels – while the command center can host up to 150 personnel.The vessel is armed with two Simbad launchers for Mistral surface-to-air missiles and two 30-mm Breda-Mauser guns.The Ka-52K is a naval deck-based variant of the Ka-52 Alligator. Other North African navies, notably Algeria and Morocco, are also expanding their capabilities. And it will place Egypt closer to the likes of Israel, Turkey, Greece, Italy and France who all operate powerful navies in the area. AIP has been retrofitted to a single Type-209, Greece’s Okeanos (S-118). Egypt’s navy is currently taking part in a Saudi-led Arab operation against Houthi rebels in Yemen.Egypt could use the two new warships to transport about 1,000 troops, armored vehicles and helicopters to intervene in Yemen, Libya or other countries where Egypt and a joint Arab force might become involved. Photo provided by the authorCommentary: Some industries which are in crucial need for social impact, such as the drone industry, will now need to comply not only with privacy and the EASA’s regulations, but also with the new anti-money laundering framework. Due to its size, the Egyptian Navy is a significant regional power in the Middle East and North Africa. Swiftships has built a total of 23 boats for the Egyptian Navy including mine hunters, survey vessels, and both steel and aluminum patrol boats. On September 16, 2016, the Egyptian Navy Commander, Admiral Osama Rabie, raised the Egyptian flag on board of the BPC-210 Mistral Class amphibious assault ship (BPC/LHD). A fourth boat will also be delivered, completing the order. What it should do, what doctrine it holds, what ships it deploys, and how it fights are determined by practical political and military choices in relation to national needs. The Egyptian blockade of ships in the Strait of Tiran that were headed toward Israel helped precipitate the June 1967 War, but Egypt's navy played only a minor role in the overall conflict.

The purchase includes the variant of the Ka-52 Katran, which specifically designed for the Mistrals that Russia had intended to acquire.The Egyptian navy commander and his French counterpart have discussed ways of boosting bilateral relations as well as regional and international issues of mutual interest in the region.The primary mission for these ships is amphibious landing operations.

And although the baseline design is dated, the equipment fit of these submarines is thoroughly up to date. Other North African navies, notably Algeria and Morocco, are also expanding their capabilities. Compared to these newer families the Type-209 does not come with Air Independent Power (AIP). The date was chosen to mark the Egyptian Navy Day because the Israeli warship is the first in history to be sunk by ship-to-ship missiles. The Katran has folding blades so that it can fit in a helicopter carrier's hangar, while the navigation system has been slightly upgraded to ensure flights over the sea and boarding and landing on the ship.Russian Helicopters is the sole Russian rotorcraft designer and manufacturer and one of the few companies worldwide with the capability to design, manufacture, service, and test modern civilian and military helicopters.The Mistral deal is valued at 950 million Euros is part of several defense contracts Egypt signed with France, and France now topping the list of countries to have signed military supply agreements with Egypt during the term of President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi.Mistral Class ships, designed for a large helicopter aviation role as well as amphibious landing and support of troops, would improve Egypt's capabilities in these areas. They are ‘in the van’ both literally and figuratively. The ship provides accommodation for 450 Marines; however, the surge capacity is 900.The Mistral class LHD has six helicopter landing spots. The lead ship of the class, Aquitaine, was commissioned in November 2012 by the French Navy. Up to 16 medium (NH90, Tigre) or 35 light helicopters can be carried and stored in the hangar deck. Egypt is in talks with France to acquire another two Gowind corvettes which, if ordered, would be produced by France in Lorient. The "Emilio Bianchi" vessel, like the other units, features a high degree of flexibility, capable of operating in all tactical situations.