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Well Sharp has passed the buck back to Netflix saying they are not providing app update for older models.

Works now and isp says nothing they know about as tv connects to internet just fine. Sharp advised to get streaming device.

I'm using the Netflix app built into the TV's software. So is Firestick hard to learn and does it work in Canada

(If you are using an HDR-capable Blu-ray player, you will need to connect it to an HDR-capable Smart TV via an HDMI port that supports HDCP 2.2 or later - usually the HDMI 1 port.) Sharp Aquos TV and Direct TV, Cannot access Netflix or any other Apps When I hit "Apps" on my Aquos remote, I get the list of apps at the bottom of my screen, but when I choose Netflix I get "We're unable to connect you to Netflix.

They then said they needed to know if verizon uses a proxy server. They tried walking me through a reset but it didn't work. Check with Sharp support, there may be a firmware update to the TVs for the built in apps.Did you happen you ever hear back from Sharp? Is this true? Easily control your TV with apps you already know and love from your iPhone®, iPad®, Android phone or tablet, Mac® or Windows® laptop, or Chromebook. So there you have it folks Finally Netflix admits they are not going to service long-standing customers

If WiFi I would switch it to a direct ethernet to the back of your television. About a month ago, I bought a Sharp LCD TV Model LE830U. Add Sharp to the list. WiFi or ethernet connection? How would I know?Well you did not give enough information. Smart TVs, dumb idea.

They tried walking me through a reset but it didn't work. Problems connecting to Netflix with Sharp Smart TV. If it does I would download the Netflix app, sign in with your account username and password. A smart TV that supports either Dolby Vision or HDR10 and Netflix.

SHARP TV with Chromecast built-in. Forums

Is there a work around besides using a cell to get Netflix on sharp aquos.

That should now be set to watch it.

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?Check with Sharp support, there may be a firmware update to the TVs for the built in apps.

Is there a problem or workaround?Message appearing on sign on to app saying device will not be compatible after Dec 1.

They then said they needed to know if verizon uses a proxy server. Thank you. A 4 Screen Netflix plan.

They informed you can not even download app after Dec 1 to older TV. TV shows app and is connecting now but Netflix site says the pop up will continue till dec 1 and then Sharp tv will not connect.Well I am for sure not the only Sharp Aquos owner with a Netflix account.

How would I know?Was on the phone with Sharp trying to figure out why we can't connect to Netflix when we used to be able to before.

Was on the phone with Sharp trying to figure out why we can't connect to Netflix when we used to be able to before.

Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. It's been a nice TV, but it regularly has trouble connecting to Netflix Streaming.

Works now and isp says nothing they know about as tv connects to Problems connecting to Netflix with Sharp Smart TV. That should now be set to watch if you are using a Roku or Apple TV 4th Generation or a Chromecast you insert the device into an available HDMI port on the tv and again get the app for Netflix and sign in if you are referencing getting Netflix from Fios TV set top box there I cannot assist since I don’t use their tv service.

Works now and isp says nothing they know about as tv connects to internet just fine. If you bought a smart TV earlier in the decade, here are the models that are losing access to Netflix this year. anyone else getting this random pop up message??
I’ve got the same issue. now if you are using a Roku or Apple TV 4th Generation or a Chromecast you insert the device into an available HDMI port on the tv and again get the app for Netflix and sign in etc. Re: Problems connecting to Netflix with Sharp Smart TV. When you connected your smart tv to your network how did you do it?

Thank you. If it does I would download the Netflix app, sign in with your account username and password. SorryI do use netflix via my Roku with no issues at all.No proxy server config required to use streaming apps on Verizon. Did you happen you ever hear back from Sharp?