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$415.53. The extra length also makes it slightly harder to turn, you have to put a little more effort into it.The 385FTA is part of Sea Eagle’s angler series. While testing this kayak I was reminded how much I loved my very first original inflatable kayak, the Sea Eagle 380X, which is part of the same Explorer series.

- Sea Eagle 12.6sr Swivel Seat Floorboard Canopy Pkg Sport Runabout - Make Offer! This is extremely durable, lightweight (only 26 pounds), and perfect for all your adventures on the water. This kayak doesn’t track nearly as well without it so I highly recommend using it unless you are paddling in extremely shallow water.The repair kit includes a couple PVC patches, glue, and a valve tightener.

You’re more likely to get wet from ocean spray and you’ll have to be content with more winds and stronger currents. They float if you drop them in the water and they feel good to use.The stow bags are a nice touch and tie onto the front and back decks over the bungee cords.

The Sea Eagle 330 has a big sister, the 370. This was the very first time my dad ever went kayaking and I was really happy that the FastTrack was comfortable enough for him to go out and enjoy.I have used this kayak a lot over the years and taken it on so many road trips. It has a really nice combination of stability and smooth glide, without the drag that you sometimes encounter with inflatables.The smaller side tubes make it not only easier to paddle (less reach) but more efficient as well.I loved the FastTrack then and I still love it now. This fin is important to use if you want good tracking.I find the whole process much simpler than in years past when I used to have a hard shell kayak that I had to transport on the roof of my car and couldn’t get it off myself.The accessories that come with your FastTrack will depend on which package you choose. It sits in the middle of the sleek Sea Eagle Razorlite and the wider more whitewater-worthy Sea Eagle Explorer kayaks.I have recommended this inflatable kayak to several friends who have also been really happy with it and use it for recreational paddling.If you have any questions that I can help you with that weren’t answered here leave a comment below and I’ll do my best to answer.The best deal for this inflatable kayak is directly from the manufacturer.If you decide this is the inflatable kayak for you, I hope you love it as much as I have.


5.0 out of 5 stars Sea Eagle Razor Lite 393RL a outstanding kayak! - Sea Eagle 285 FPB Deluxe Package Inflatable 9 Ft Pontoon Boat -Make Offer!

I will definitely add those once I am able to get them.However I wanted to show the leg room with two seats in the kayak so I snapped a picture of my husband sitting in the back seat. Fortunately, the best sea kayaks are specifically designed to keep you dry and help you navigate the conditions you’ll find when paddling on the ocean. - Sea Eagle Packfish 7 Deluxe Pkg Portable Inflatable Fishing Boat Raft Make Offer - Sea Eagle FSK16 2-Person Swivel Seat Pkg Fish Skiff Boat Inflatable Make Offer! - Sea Eagle FSK16 2-Person Swivel Seat Canopy Pkg Fish Skiff Inflatable Boat -BO!

Even total beginners will appreciate how comfortable a ride this is.With the high-pressure rigid floor and stability I can easily stand up and paddle SUP-style if I wish as well, which is kind of fun!When paddling the 385FT solo there is TONS of leg room.

Wear and tear are normal and these kayaks are made to withstand a fair amount of use and abuse.However after over a decade of paddling inflatable kayaks I have learned there are things you can do to prolong the life of your purchase.For important tips on how to do this check out my article: For a really quick rundown on proper care follow these tips:I love paddling this kayak.

They come apart in 4-pieces and weigh just 2.9 lbs.

Next. However it isn’t the greatest for trying to inflate the floor to a higher air pressure of 10 PSI.I’ve broken a few of these over the years, I don’t find them to be that durable.I much prefer using a hand pump and would love if this package came with a hand pump instead.If you really want to eliminate any hard work you could always get an The swept back skeg is easy to attach and clip in. Intex Challenger Kayak Series 4.3 out of 5 stars 9,347. I remember when the FastTrack first came on the market several years ago. It feels safe and fun to paddle. With this floor the kayak simply performs better.I think most people would be surprised by how stable and secure it feels to paddle this kayak.There can sometimes be a misconception that all inflatables are saggy and easy to tip.That is simply not the case with the FastTrack.