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Secondly, Sea Ceptor can be targeted from the ship’s existing surveillance radar sensors and therefore does not require dedicated fire control radars.Sea Ceptor will operate from the SYLVER and Mk41 launchers using a quad-pack configuration, various flexible canister configurations are also available. It provides all-weather protection against air targets, including low level terrain and high altitude threats.Originally, the CAMM program aspired to provide Land, Sea and Air launched capabilities, but it was deemed more effective to instead develop CAMM for use for land and sea only, while using the well established ASRAAM short range air-to-air missile to cover the air launched role. The Weapon System has the capability to intercept and thereby neutralise the full range of current and future threats including combat aircraft and the new generation of supersonic anti-ship missiles. The system will initially be deployed on Type 23 vessels to replace Vertical Launch Sea Wolf air defence system.

FLAADS is intended to deliver a common weapons platform (the Common Anti-Air Modular Missile (CAMM)) to equip forces in the air, land and maritime environments.MBDA states that by purchasing the same missile to meet the air defence needs of both armies and navies, both services are able to utilise a common stockpile that reduces procurement and support costs.

The British Navy completed firings of Sea Ceptor on HMS Argyll in September 2017, as a part of life extension …

This is a rapidly deployable point and area defence system designed to protect mobile and static high value assets. Sea Ceptor is the latest generation, ship-based, all-weather, air defence weapon system, based on the Common Anti-air Modular Missile (CAMM). The Weapon System has the capability to intercept and thereby neutralise the full range of current and future threats including combat aircraft and the new generation of supersonic anti-ship missiles.

Sea Ceptor, developed at a cost of about £850 million, can intercept and destroy enemy missiles travelling at supersonic speeds.

A new missile defence system which will protect the Royal Navy's aircraft carriers has entered into service. Through the use of new advanced technologies, Sea Ceptor provides complete protection against all known and projected air targets. Sea Ceptor is the next-generation, ship-based, all-weather, air defence weapon system.Through the use of new advanced technologies, Sea Ceptor provides complete protection against all known and projected air targets.

Two main features provide this flexibility.Firstly, the use of “soft-launch” weapon technology for a highly scaleable and compact launch system that can easily be installed in a number of locations. MBDA state that CAMM has a "high rate of fire against multiple simultaneous targets", providing capabi…

The Sea Ceptor will be deployed on the Type 26 combat ships when they replace the Type 23s in 2020. The weapon system is now in full-scale development for the UK MOD as the principal air defence capability for the Royal Navy’s Type 23 and Type 26 frigates.Sea Ceptor will protect both the host ship and high value units in the local area.

Sea Ceptor will protect both the host ship and high value units in the local area. As the Royal Navy's new air missile defence system enters into service, Forces Network takes a look at what it can do. The Sea Ceptor missile system was designed to be suitable for the Type 26 GCS. The Soft Vertical Launch technology reduces system mass and eases installation.PR – Royal navy completes Sea Ceptor firing trials1PR-MBDA’s Sea Ceptor surges ahead with contract for the UK Royal Navy’s T26 Sea Ceptor will be deployed aboard the Navy's Type 23 frigates and is said to be able to deal with multiple targets at the same time, protecting an area of around 500 square miles over land or sea.

However, technologies and components developed for CAMM have been used as part of an upgrade to ASRAAM.An MBDA computer generated graphic showing a CAMM missile in flight.Although trials have a shown a capability of up to 60 km GWS-35 Sea Ceptor was officially accepted into RN service in May 2018. CAMM is a point defence and local area defence missile designed to respond to sophisticated missile attacks and has the capability to defend against saturation attacks of supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles, aircraft and other high-performance targets. It does this via multiple channels of fire, providing 360-degree simultaneous coverage and high degrees of manoeuvrability.