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Two clans of snakes cohabit in the desert.

A bachelor goose must form a bond with two lost ducklings as they journey south.

Obviously not as good as the higher children's movies but not bad considering- might even watch again.Looking for some great streaming picks? Beautiful green serpents that live under the shelter of an oasis, protected and venerated by men and venomous snakes that survive in the sand, dust and heat, hunted and killed by the Tuaregs.

Check out the lineup of new movies and shows streaming on Netflix this month, including Season 5 of "Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site?

An orphan girl dreams of becoming a ballerina and flees her rural Brittany for Paris, where she passes for someone else and accedes to the position of pupil at the Grand Opera house.

25 Min. Alas, Eva will be kidnapped by the Tuaregs and Ajar, accompanied by his best friend, Pitt the Scorpion, will have to cross the ruthless Sahara to save Eva from the terrible fate awaiting her.Long pause, then the sandfish swallows the small branch he was carrying in his mouth 0 of 0 people found this review helpful.

Kinder- und Familienfilme Als seine neue Liebe von einem bösen Schlangenbeschwörer entführt wird, starten eine junge Kobra und ihr bester Freund, ein Skorpion, eine wilde Rettungsmission. Die Sonne brennt. Mit Tad Jones, the most awkward explorer, must rescue his beloved Sara from a millionaire who is looking for King Midas' necklace.

Als Eva von den Tuareg gefangengenommen wird und ihr ein schlimmes Schicksal droht, will Ajar sie zusammen mit dem Skorpion Pitt (Franck Gastambide) retten.

Especially since his first monster transformation happened in front of the most popular kids at school!

Daniel Radcliffe, Samara Weaving, Rhys Darby A friendship with a top-secret robot turns a lonely girl's life into a thrilling adventure as they take on bullies, evil bots and a scheming madman. Levan Akin


Sahara ist ein Komödie aus dem Jahr 2017 von Pierre Coré mit Omar Sy, Louane Emera und Franck Gastambide. Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist.Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends.

Sahara 2017 6 1 Std. 2 – Land in Sicht"Romantik-Komödie mit Zeitschleifen-Twist: Trailer zu "Hello Again - Ein Tag für immer"Il Traditore - Als Kronzeuge gegen die Cosa Nostra Trailer DF A young cobra and his scorpion best friend go on a journey across the Sahara desert to save a new-found love.

Directed by Pierre Coré.
