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Thanks to the freedom to roam, in Finland you’re allowed to build your tent and camp almost anywhere, as long as you remember to follow a few basic rules.
I strongly urge everyone to also check out the sauna at the pool, or the sauna on the ferris wheel on the backyard of the sea pool. Photo: Saana JaakkolaIn Finland, you will have plenty of great options for organizing your accommodation.
I have therefore selected postcards from Finland, from me to you.
Wanna try it?
When you meet one, you’re very likely to meet the whole family, as reindeer hardly ever walk alone.
The buses go every 30 or 60 minutes, the trip takes about 60 minutes one way and costs 8-9 euros.
Nature is around you everywhere, even in urban areas.
I can’t wait.Hi, I will travel next January to Ivalo in order to see (hopefully) Northern Lights.
We have 7 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Finland, and depending on the length of your holiday, it’s totally doable to visit them all. Wir stellen vor: Unsere Skandinavien-Rundreisen – sei es nun nach Norwegen, Schweden, Island oder Finnland oder eine Kombination aus zwei oder mehreren skandinavischen Ländern. Your guide for planning a successful road trip in Finland is filled with practical tips, rules of the road, explaining how the rules vary between seasons and, last but not least, some great suggestions for routes to take.Each country has their own twists and turns when it comes to the rules of the road. Nation with people unlike anywhere else in the world. We have a great selection of official travel routes that are surrounded by beautiful views, cultural and historic sites and natural attractions. Could you check the functionality out?
Helsinki is in global limelight at the moment. Imagine how much more square footage we just got in the city, how many more kilometers of outdoor fun, all the shortcuts when you can just cross the waters and you don’t need to walk all the way around it and, above all, the scenery you get.
Schwimmen im Meer bei Temperaturen um den Gefrierpunkt. Snow stays on the ground long into the spring months and the first of May is usually the last day the ski resorts are open.
楽しみにしていた旅行。コロナウイルスの影響も出始めたので、旅行をキャンセルすべきかをギリギリまで本当に悩みましたが、自分なりに対策を考えて旅行を決行しました。ヘルシンキ... サーリセルカからロヴァニエミへ移動する途中でサンタクロース村に立ち寄りました! July.
Winter wie er sein sollte, kalt und dunkel, mit tiefem Schnee und vielen Elchen. Diesem Geheimnis wollte ich auf die Spur kommen. And one of the booths or compartments, or whatever you call the little boxes you travel in a Ferris wheel, was made into a sauna.
ヘルシンキ今回、どこも貸し切り状態で、がらがらに空いていました。中国人観光客が1人もいないで、私たちツアーの客以外は、どこに行っても、団体様はいらっしゃらなかったです。 Even if there are no cars around.
In Finland, it's exactly the opposite. I’ve ever got stuck with my 2WD only in unmaintained private roads/areas but you won’t find your way into such places…Saana is an adventurous travel and outdoor enthusiastic from Finland.
Of course some of us love the water more than ice so they just cut a hole in the ice to be able…Have you ever wondered where winter wonderland is?
It is beloved, cherished and always longed for. At the moment people are packing their bags, running to collect groceries and getting ready to enjoy the midnight sun. Eine erholsame Rundreise durch Finnland. Nevertheless, after a long stretch of -20 temperatures the sea has finally frozen solid enough for us to make the most of it in southern Finland as well. If camping isn’t your thing, you can always book a hotel room or rent a cottage.
For Finns, this celebration is close to sacred. Just as I had decided to put the kids on it on their own, my daughter says, “Come on dad…If you don’t think, and you just do….then it’s done!” What could I do at that point?!