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Learn more and see all the cards in our dedicated expansion guide. Pressure Plate is the latest Hunter spell revealed for Pressure Plate is a two-cost Secret. Mmmmm. 52. They only need to get ahead of themselves and overextend before the card quickly wipes the smile off their face.Pressure Plate should see play in Standard and its low cost and flexibility mean it can be featured in a number of Hunter decks. Aganist: Druid; you know he’s either going, fast, big, or both. 13 days ago. Posted by 10 months ago. Pressure Plate is the latest Hunter spell revealed for Hearthstone’s upcoming expansion, Saviors of Uldum, and it's exceptionally strong. Saviors of Uldum Expansion Guide. 1.3k. But Hearthstone decks are easier to approach than you might think. Discuss this Card . Hearthstone is lots of fun, but building a new deck is a little daunting – what are the best Hearthstone decks? You should be fine. Now That I’m seeing it, Hunter can have 3 -4 “Destory” Answers; They have Slate into Rapid FIre. r/hearthstone: For fans of Blizzard Entertainment's digital card game, Hearthstone. Snipe: Common Spell Hunter 2 : Secret: After your opponent plays a minion, deal 4 damage to it. After your opponent casts a spell, destroy a random enemy minion.Its random factor is beneficial for Hunter players, oddly enough. Comments.

感圧板/Pressure Plateに関するページ。ハースストーン日本語Wiki HEARTHSTONE MANIACです。 Just like a delicious flank of boar.

I will expect it to kill any minion on board before the spell since its kinda weird the spell that kill my minion is the one that summon it in the first place.It might feel unintuitive, but is doing exactly what it should based on the text.You cast a spell, summoned a minion, then the secret activates sniping it in the process, all in 1 action.thanks for the explanation.
I wanted to play around pressure plate and hence played my spell first before minions but still trigger it anyway.
It’s particularly difficult to play around, adding even more irritating Secrets to the class. Which hero do I want to play? User account menu. Tags Card Reveal.

If i have an empty board, i play animal companion, why do pressure plate trigger and kill my companion?Activation phase is after, meaning after the effect that triggers it (Animal Companion) has resolved it activates.When(ever) effects happen before the effect resolves, after effects happen after the effect resolve.When(ever) & after are very important words in HS as they determine the phase an effect triggers in.for pressure plate at least feels counter intuitive. New Card - Pressure Plate. It works perfectly fine in the early game by preventing tempo, but it’s even more powerful in the late game. They have Vernus into Remaining Rapid Fires, and they have Deadly SHot. Log in sign up.

A great sniper hits the spot. The appropriate dishware for stressful situations. 1; 2; 3; Next; ArcyroX. Pressure Plate: Format: Standard: Extension: Aventuriers d'uldum: Coût en mana: 2: Description: Secret : une fois que votre adversaire a lancé un sort, détruit un serviteur adverse aléatoire. News. And if you want, even a Pressure Plate.

Close. I will expect it to kill any minion on board before the spell since its kinda weird the spell that kill my minion is the one that summon it …

Which are the cheapest? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts . It has the potential to cut short combos with just two mana. for pressure plate at least feels counter intuitive. New Card - Pressure Plate. News. Share. Coût en poussière: 40: Valeur en poussière: 5: Texte d'ambiance: J’aurais préféré être complètement à côté de la plaque, mais là, je crois que tu vas mourir ! Press J to jump to the feed.


Pressure Plate: Common Spell Hunter 2 : Secret: After your opponent casts a spell, destroy a random enemy minion.

I guess i need other ways to play around pressure plate then.Always look for the words after and when(ever) as, like I said, they are VERY important in HS. Relevant anecdote: Recently played Spectral Pillager Rogue against Exodia Paladin.