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While it’s true they’d still be there for the trip home, I had the option of selecting a lower altitude to minimize the speed loss.Cruising three to four miles above the mountain west, the ride was not only smoother; it was less busy as well. Because 340s have been out of production since 1984, they’re available for prices well below $150,000, and if you fly many of your hours over water or totally inhospitable mountains, a pressurized twin may be the best bet. GTN750/ 530 WAAS, Bendix/King KRA-10A radar, NKDH, complete logs. Commercial Financing may be provided by Currency Capital, LLC and loans 888.773.4249 or 816.479.2723. Who would have guessed that when Piper introduced the world’s first $300,000, single-engine airplane that it would eventually be vying for top sales honors among What makes that accomplishment all the more impressive is that the price of a typically- equipped Malibu had escalated to about $430,000 in 1987, a tab that would have been inconceivable by the standards of 1978, general aviation’s biggest sales year.

In ’78, the most expensive single-engine airplane available was predictably the aforementioned Cessna P210, priced at about $125,000 fully equipped.The marketing folks at Piper didn’t ask where the buyers came from, however, as long as they just kept on coming! 2001 Piper Meridian, N154DR, SN: 4697034, 3,065 TTSN, 1,300 SHSI, *ADS-B Out*, Dual Garmin G500, SVS & Chartview, Known Ice, No Known Damage, Always Hangar... N311KF. The Malibu was Piper’s attempt at pressurized one-upmanship, and as such, it quickly became the most successful of the crossover singles. JavaScript aktivieren. Motorflugzeug PA-46 Mirage von Piper Aircraft für 577.150 EUR gebraucht kaufen bei Flugzeugmarkt.de (Anzeige-ID: 982). If that seems a long way to go just to check the local airport chili, the real point was to examine the relative merits of pressurized singles versus more conventional business twins.Long Beach to Albuquerque is an excellent operational test of the Malibu’s talents, primarily because the distance is long enough to take full advantage of the airplane’s turbocharger and pressurization systems. 1999 Piper Malibu Mirage, 2510 Hours SNEW, 1352 SFRM, GARMIN G500, GTN750 & GTN650, SVT, King KFC225 Autopilot, FIKI, ADS-B Compliant (Garmin GDL88 & GTX33... N4133G. )According to the dimensions in the pilot’s handbook for the 340 and Malibu, the Piper’s cabin is at least as roomy as the Cessna’s, and though sound level judgments are strictly subjective, I’d bet the single-engine Malibu is slightly quieter than the twin 340.This isn’t to knock the 340. Das Modell ist bis auf Empfänger und Akku flugfertig! By any measure, the big Piper’s pressurization system is several times more useable than that of the P210 and even some twins, including the aforementioned 340. When you run out of O2, you no longer have the option to fly high until you’ve refilled the system, usually at a cost of $30 or more (and then only when you can find it. Mit dem Lieferprogramm von Piper bieten wir das umfangreichste Angebot von ein- und zweimotorigen Flugzeugen in der Allgemeinen Luftfahrt an. Willkommen bei eBay Kleinanzeigen. Versand möglich gegen...Hallo, Es handelt sich um die Piper...Verkaufe ein Modellbausatz von Modellbau Engel, Precedent T 180. eBay Kleinanzeigen - Kostenlos. oder erstelle ein neues Konto, damit du:Biete hier die abachibeplankten Styroporflächen und das Höhenleitwerk zu der Graupner PA-18 aus den...Guten Tag, Price Reduced! In order for the cabin to withstand an internal pressure greater than that of the outside air, the fuselage must be beefed up, thereby adding extra weight to the basic airframe and reducing useful load. Garmin G500 equipped 1986 Malibu with all the right mods. A pilot can manage pressurization as much or as little as he wishes, but most of the time only one adjustment is required. $290,000. Strong IFR... This Malibu contains a 310 horsepower Continental TSIO-520-BE engine, a Hartzell two-blade propeller, Garmin 530 with WAAS, digital fuel flow monitor, KFC-... N1972M. Die PA-46-350P Malibu Mirage (heute M350) wird von einem Lycoming TIO-540-AE2A Kolbenmotor angetrieben. Extremely Well-Equipped 1994 Malibu Mirage PA46-350P With A Recent Extensive Annual Inspection At A Piper Service Center. *All aircraft loans are subject to credit approval. )Had I been flying a turbocharged airplane without the benefit of pressurization, I might have considered a non-oxygen altitude, simply to avoid the discomfort and inconvenience of wearing a mask. Garmin G500 equipped 1986 Malibu with all the right mods.