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The neighborhood, ward, or district.

Used to reconcile API caller-initiated transactions with PayPal transactions. Use also to store multiple surnames including the matronymic, or mother's, surname.

The PayPal-generated ID for the refund. The details of the authorized order pending status.

The possible values are: Build online food order app using Kotlin and Let users pay online using Paypal. For a partial refund, include an For more information about HTTP request headers, see

string Integrate once and add capabilities as you need them.Build a full-stack solution for small to medium-sized businesses.Build a marketplace for sellers to connect and sell through.Explore our robust payment solutions for large enterprises.Try out PayPal API requests and responses in multiple programming languages. The API caller-provided external invoice number for this order.

Currency code should be a three-character ISO-4217 currency code.

string The possible values are:

The amount must be a positive number and in the same currency as the authorization against which the payment is being captured. The amount to refund.

Use also to store multiple middle names including the patronymic, or father's, middle name. Get credentials.

The date and time when the transaction was last updated, in The net amount debited from the merchant's PayPal account. The party's alternate name. The value of the field should not be more than two decimal places.

These APIs use HTTP methods, a RESTful endpoint structure, the OAuth 2.0 protocol, and JSON-formatted payloads. The status of the captured payment.

array string

The API caller-provided external invoice number for this order. The PayPal-generated ID for the captured payment to refund. Appears in both the payer's transaction history and the emails that the payer receives.

The status of the capture. Required for operations with a request body.

The possible values are:

string The details of the captured payment status. The value is application/

The amount that the payee refunded to the payer.

Visit the PayPal sandbox, a virtual simulation of the actual PayPal site. The highest level sub-division in a country, which is usually a province, state, or ISO-3166-2 subdivision.