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Elle est disponible au travers des applications Viera Remote et Panasonic TV Remote. You can actually add text while recording, take a screenshot and recording the screen of the phone at the same time. Does this mean you can also open any app on your phone or tablet and mirror it’s content on your tv screen?

I am also having trouble streaming from Ipod Touch (4th gen with latest iOS). posted 2014-Jan-29, 3:38 pm AEST any solutions/suggestions will be gratefully received.I have an iPad 2 and the app works well for me. This converted to xxx.m4v clips which I added to the iTunes video library and via sync to the iPad.

Ping Man that might be down to wireless network, not necessarily the TV's media player but could be that too.

posted 2014-Jan-30, 12:09 am AEST JavaScript is disabled. I did add another step for some of these – when I originally imported these clips into iPhoto, (because they were taken on a holiday I will NOT be repeating) I immediately exported them to a separate folder on my MBP HDD.

Can anyone help?I thought this thread was a Panasonic Viera query thread - the TV is one of the belowSame problem as the person posted above me - can’t transfer photos/ videos from my iPhone via the Viera app to the Viera TV - iPhone works as a remote but can’t swipe up photos or videos , error message with ! posted 2014-Feb-2, 2:36 pm AEST
posted 2014-Jan-23, 1:10 am AEST

Click the “three-line menu” icon and select the “Swipe & Share” option.

However, many users think that it is so hard to mirror iPhone to Panasonic TV. posted 2014-Jan-23, 9:45 pm AEST TV Remote 2 can pair the two devices automatically when it finds that they are under the same WiFi network. Swipe & Share. I a small triangle when I tryTry the Panasonic “TV Remote 2” from the app store. Be aware that a NAS wont be able to convert the video you will be stuck with native playback of media. (I am also trying to set the speed since some of the clips were partly slo-mo but that is another story).I have been using all apple stuff so don't know if other systems have the same problemshelp!!
I have the latest ios update required to run the app. LG OLED 65C8 | Panasonic 50ST60Y | Panasonic 42PX80 | Sony ST-5000 | X Box One S | PS3 |

It is compatible on Android, iOS, computers and TV’s. Which do you think is good for you? It would be fantastic to use your App on iPad to do things which are difficult to accomplish using the remote. Don't ask me how but it worked so I wasn't going to complainI've been able to swipe video taken by my son in UK – I think it was his or his wife's "smart" phone, most likely of the Android persuasion.Other clips, eg from some websites, on the iPad (- I have been a bit scrooge-ish with the iPhone which has less memory so only load stuff I think rellies and friends might be interested ) do not appear so at this stage I guess I need to do more mucking around.If I get it working, and can remember how I did it (I am getting older you see), I'll let you knowVeerry interesting (remember "Laugh In"). You must log in or register to reply here. Here is how it works in 3 easy steps: Make sure that your iPhone or iPad runs on iOS 13 or higher and is connected to the same local network as your Panasonic TV. Mirror iPhone to Panasonic TV using YouTube App

posted 2014-Feb-4, 3:05 pm AEST However, when I try the Swipe and Share function, the photos and videos on the iPad are not shown and, therefore, not available for sharing. posted 2014-Feb-4, 4:55 pm AEST And the videos play very well too except for the orientation. Although it says Android devices stream fine...........I'm having the problem the original poster had.

Here is how it works in 3 easy steps: Make sure that your iPhone or iPad runs on iOS 13 or higher and is connected to the same local network as your Panasonic TV.

I have the same problem although a small proportion of photos & videos will display, the vast majority just give the error message on the app. To share your photos or videos on the TV, just go to swipe forward them. Choose from images, videos, and audio for enjoyment. Aside from using the Panasonic’s TV Remote 2 app, you can also use the The above contents sum up the two ways to mirror iPhone to Panasonic TV. This tool is very practical for most students or employees who can’t afford to buy such tools because this is free. posted 2014-Jan-22, 1:28 pm AEST

I totally don’t understand why this App allows me to adjust volume, switch programs - the remote is far better for this job!