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"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox" Click the Task View button in your taskbar. You can also use the Windows key + Tab shortcut on your keyboard, or you can swipe with one finger from the left of your touchscreen. Crie um tópico e encontre respostas fazendo uma pergunta em qualquer um dos nossos fóruns de suporte a produto. Just select the shortcut and press the Del key on your keyboard. How to Install New Desktop Themes in Windows 10. Shares. A highlighted area shows you where the window will rest when you let go of the mouse button.Task View is a new interface that combines Exposé-like window switching and virtual desktops—an awful lot like There are also some keyboard shortcuts for quickly managing Sadly, there’s not yet a key combination that moves the current window between virtual desktops. It should, but it doesn’t.To create a desktop shortcut to a file, first, locate the file somewhere in File Explorer. He's written about technology for nearly a decade and was a PCWorld columnist for two years. For more size options, position your mouse cursor over the desktop, hold down the Ctrl key, and scroll up and down with your mouse wheel.Chris Hoffman is Editor in Chief of How-To Geek. "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -new-window https://music.youtube.com/ Chris has written for The New York Times, been interviewed as a technology expert on TV stations like Miami's NBC 6, and had his work covered by news outlets like the BBC.

*"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -new-window URL Windows 10 introduces a number of new shortcuts for controlling general … Make desktop shortcut open new window; Can't open Firefox Private Browsing via command line switch; Shortcuts problem; Create a desktop shortcut to a website; Custom installation of Firefox on Windows; Wrong home page opens when I start Firefox - How to fix *https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Command_Line_Options Hold down the Alt key on your keyboard and then drag and drop the file or folder to your desktop. The words “Create Link in Desktop” will appear. To add a virtual desktop, open up the new Task View pane by clicking the Task View button (two overlapping rectangles) on the taskbar, or by pressing the Windows Key + Tab. I want to create a desktop shortcut on Windows 10 that opens a URL in new window. With a web page open, drag and drop the icon to the left of the address bar—it’s generally a padlock or an “i” in a circle—to the desktop.This doesn’t work in Microsoft Edge for some reason. Release the mouse button to create a link to the program, also known as a desktop shortcut.Note that you can’t search for the application by name in the Start menu. In the Target box, I wrote: Windows 10 has this new shortcut which lets you check Calendar without jumping through hoops.

In step 1, I successfully created a desktop shortcut using [When I right click the desktop shortcut, I see the attached screenshot. Windows 10 won't open desktop shortcuts So, I had this issue before on Windows 8.1. When I right click the desktop shortcut, I see the attached screenshot. Peek at the Desktop. (I added "-new-window" at the end but it did not work, neither adding to the beginning of URL work) Just drag and drop it to your desired location instead of the desktop.If you don’t see any shortcuts on your desktop, they may be hidden. (I added "-new-window" at the end but it did not work, neither adding to the beginning of URL work) Since we launched in 2006, our articles have been read more than 1 billion times.

This opens a new window but not the desired URL. http://"In sum, none of these work. Shortcut Key: Windows + , (Comma key) He's written about technology for nearly a decade and was a PCWorld columnist for two years. This command forces Windows to switch to the desktop immediately and minimize all open windows to the taskbar. Click New Desktop . The first two keyboard shortcuts aren’t new, but the way they work with the 2×2 snapping feature is.You can also use the mouse, of course. Since we launched in 2006, our articles have been read more than 1 billion times. With a web page open, drag and drop the icon to the left of the address bar—it’s generally a padlock or an “i” in a circle—to the desktop.This doesn’t work in Microsoft Edge for some reason. and create a shortcut from "firefox.exe" to the desktop.
Desktop icons may a little out of fashion, but they’re still useful as part of a nicely organized desktop. Windows 10 still lets you create desktop shortcuts to applications, files, folders, and even websites.

https://music.youtube.com/ "-new-window" Just as with any shortcut, you can simply delete them when you no longer need their presence on the desktop. Rejoice! However, you can create them in Chrome or Firefox, and they’ll automatically open in your default web browser—even if that’s Microsoft Edge.Whatever type of shortcut you create, you can right-click it afterward, select “Rename,” and change the name to whatever you like.You can use all the above methods to create shortcuts in other folders, too.