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He’s not the man Roger or any of the people of the D clan are waiting for because no matter how strong he gets or how many Devil Fruits he amasses, he doesn’t have an army that believes in his ideals, an army ready to sacrifice itself in the blink of an eye to save his life, and he isn’t willing to do the same for them either, unlike Luffy who’s shown multiple times how far he’d go to save a friend.Back to the World Government’s large Strawhat, the middle finger in disguise they took off of the Leader of the Ancient Kingdom. It was merely a symbol of the will of D, the will of the Ancient Kingdom, and the 20 Kingdoms who later became the World Government never paid any attention to it because they had no reason to.Hats made of straw aren’t a rarity in the world of One Piece, at least I’d like to believe that, and the owners of the Straw Hat through the different generations had never managed to accomplish anything major, always failing and passing it down to future generations. If you believe we have used your copyrighted content without permission, send us an email at

His ability is not just converse, but command and seeing through the eyes of the very beast.

We do believe that the national treasure of Mariejois is the ancient weapon Uranus itself. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Blackbeard, on the other hand, only knows how to backstab, kill and use people until he got what he needed. After she died, her descendants who possessed the same ability to speak with Sea Kings were granted her name as a Title, known colloquially as the “Mermaid Princess”. He stirs up some trouble in Alabasta and a few other islands, but he’s nothing dangerous. Since the fact that it is completely unknown, I believe that it’ll be shown us by a character who’s still alive and who’s as mysterious as this Ancient Weapon. Wano is connected to the Ancient Weapon Uranus In Enel’s cover story we are introduced to Professor Tsukimi and his automata Spacey, Macro, Galaxy and Cosmo. We provide you with the latest breaking news and videos straight from the anime & manga industry.You can also enjoy articles & reviews on manga, cosplay, anime games,otaku lifestyle and more!All images are copyrighted to their respective owners. We’ve seen this multiple times in the past, and it culminated itself in the formation of the Grand Fleet in Dressrosa.Think about it. After he and his ancient kingdom had died, he might have wanted the 20 kingdoms to witness their downfall at the hands of a man in a Straw Hat, a way of telling them that they had failed and let a D escape, but that obviously never happened and the Straw Hat itself became more of a symbol of D rather than a device aimed at irony and revenge.Or rather, he’s another Uranus, with the first and only one having been the Leader. Poseidon is a mermaid able to talk to and command Sea Kings. The ancient weapon Uranus.

The Ancient Weapon Uranus is in Wano People have been speculating about this for a long time, but I think we finally have evidence thanks to Oden’s flashback. But before we go any further, lets present some interesting facts about the ancient greek god Uranus and the planet Uranus, two possible inspirations for the ancient weapons. Not in a direct way apparently, but one that hints at the biggest obstacle standing in the way of the wielder of the Ancient Weapon. For over 800 years, they believed that they’d possessed Uranus. Now the World Government has taken notice and tripled his bounty to 1.5 Billion, something that was believed to be almost impossible after a certain threshold.And now the similarity between the 2 Straw Hats starts to take shape. Anyway, one common theory that relates these two objects is that the last Ancient Weapon IS the Strawhat. When it came to Uranus, the Leader devised a plan that would not only fool the World Government, but would at the same time shift their attention onto a useless hat made of straw, when the real threat and the real power of Uranus (the Leader himself) was killed instead. For the longest time, they believed that they had Uranus, one of the 3 Ancient Weapons stored in their vault, and even though they didn’t know how to operate it, just the fact that they had possessed it was good enough, believing that there would come a day in which they were able to wield it.So ironically, a large hat made of straw was passed down through generations within the World Government, each generation unable to make it work, while the real threat, the will of D symbolized by a smaller hat made of straw, was passed down through generations in the shadows, each generation growing stronger and closer to defeating the World Government.The reason behind the small Straw Hat’s creation was merely symbolic.

Pluton is a large ship capable of massive destruction. We are told that Tsukimi created the automata – or at least created Spacey – on Karakuri Island , … It makes him a well candidate for being an ancient weapon.

All that’s really left is an army, which is what Uranus is. I talked earlier about what power Uranus was capable of.

I believe Roger was the first D to go far enough to be noticed, and even then, he had already passed his hat down to Shanks before being a big enough threat, and Shanks himself passed his hat down to Luffy before becoming an Emperor. We only know its name when Robin named it, and that’s everything we have, nothing more.