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I deserve respect and I deserve love and oh yeah, I’m worth getting respect and love honey.”The meaning behind the lyrics of Numb takes a dark turn here. This is about someone who has narcissistic parents who are vicariously trying to live their dreams through their son. I interpret it as slipping into depression day by day, watching your life go by.

This song really resonated with me, cos it was around at about the same time. basically its about parent and child. We still try our best to get the person who was a “good guy/girl” and “caring” but every time we try to impress them they tend to push us as far away as possible and that hurts like crazy!Our body tends to feel sad constantly, we don’t feel anything around us. It was released as the third single from their second studio album, Meteora (2003), and is the closing track on the album. He just wants to be himself and follow his own dreams. I know our differences but I know you feel for someone. Chester from Lincolnshire, England The music, the lyrics, the vocals, the video and the live performances all contribute in making 'Numb' one of Linkin Park's best songs to date. So like parents always want their children to live their life as per parents want. We still tell him/her “I know what you must have been feeling.

The song spent six weeks at the top of the chart in 2003 and six weeks in 2004.

Ein Jahr später wurde das Lied auch für das Mashup-Album Collision Course zusammen mit Jay-Z als Numb/Encore neu aufgenommen. Numb voices what someone would say to a person that constantly puts pressure on that person with endless expectations. We feel tired, we feel helpless, we feel like there is nobody for us and we just feel void, empty, the dark carousel of constant sadness, aka mental illness, i.e. We always try to impress other people and we expect something from them. the music video gives an example of a mother and daughter but it could be any older person to younger child. S/he is mean again and s/he is ignoring again and we wouldn’t even realize that we are inside the bubble created by his/her scheduled and planned “good guy/girl” and “caring” reputation. They want to get rid of these voices inside their heads and I don’t want people who are alive to judge people who have taken their own lives as suicidal thoughts are insane and as those people didn’t try to fix him/her when s/he was alive, thus they have no rights at all to criticize about their deaths.We feel suffocated, we feel isolated, and we feel like everyone is happy without us. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. It’s about himself hes become so depressed he’s feeling suicidle and numb he’s tired off being who people want him to be by putting on a face instead of being his real self and sick of being criticised by people when he’s his real self I suffer with depression and I could relate to it so much I couldn’t bear to watch the video on MTV MTV2 or listen to it on the radio.

It was a fantastic single and easily one of the highlights of 'Meteora'. We talk nice about that person, we don’t want to hurt him/her. So I think that the girl doesn't wants any restrictions by her parents or teachers and wants to do everything by herself. “Numb” is the third single and the final track of Linkin Park’s second studio album, Meteora. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. about someone who lives in a family where everyone understands each other, except for that one person.

These lines are the exact representations of depression. Let’s get started.These two lines are pretty much everything. S/he would give “seen” or text “K” and go.Now as we were expecting that person to be back in our lives because we just tried to manipulate him/her emotionally so selflessly to own him/her and to fill the hole created by his/her fake friendly stance, we still get ignored. I feel that this song is about how one feels that they are not living up to someone else's expectations, especially parents. We break down, we cry, we hurt ourselves to prove him/her that we weren’t faking it. I don’t feel anything, I don’t have anyone in my pockets and I don’t want anyone.“ and then you start crying because you’ve been trying to be in his/her pockets and s/he says s/he has nobody for him/her and s/he doesn’t want anyone. I see it like this because it really feels like numbness to have this sort of major depression in your life. It was released as the third single from their second studio album, Meteora (2003), and is the closing track on the album. This is the first English song I had ever listened to. This is the point we begin to overthink. I can say that i became the drugs i used, eventually couldnt feel their effects atall, leading me to want to become myself again! The meaning behind the lyrics of the song ‘Numb’ is cold. "Numb" is a song by American rock band Linkin Park. We are trying to change ourselves and if we ought to blame anyone for anything then we should be blaming ourselves because we are the ones trying to fit in.We all crave attention from people we like or literally from people we want in our lives and so as to gain his/her attention, we tend to believe in whatever that particular person has got to say even if we know its mean by our hearts but we don’t want to lose him/her and we kind of say “yes” in everything. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. The first line of the song is a great reason as to why the person feels (NUMB, FAITHLESS, AND LOST UNDER THE SURFACE). The song , too me, is about drug addiction!

I know I’ve disappointed you (Even if we’ve no idea how).