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-Digital Passion for the Nike brand and sports and fashion in general. Thanks for your interest in the Nike Training Brand Marketing - Internship position. Entre tanto, no dudes en seguir mirando para ver qué más podemos ofrecerte.Nike invierte en su talento; eso incluye a nuestros interns. Moreover, Nike has one of the most competitive Pay scales where brand marketing interns …

Our interns are involved in real projects, exposed to multiple teams and a critical part of our community. Algunas ventajas incluyen: series de charlas con algunos de los principales líderes de Nike, sesiones de capacitación, acceso a los mejores entrenadores de fitness del mundo y eventos de entretenimiento en todo el campus. El siguiente paso incluye una entrevista con el gerente que lo va a contratar. Ver todas las internships Programa de internships en Converse Converse cree en liberar el espíritu que cambiará el mundo.

- Digital Ubicado en Beaverton, pero con reclutamiento en todo el mundo, el programa de internships Nike US es ideal para conocer todas las áreas del negocio de Nike: Marketing, Sustentabilidad, Diseño, Ventas, E-commerce, Tecnología. - Human ResourcesIt is more than a desk job. - Design To inspire greatness inside and outside work, Nike invests in culture and offer employees competitive health, financial, security and work-life benefits. -Planificación estratégica The next step includes an interview with the hiring manager. Students who meet the requirements will be invited to interview with a recruiter. Internships; Favorite Jobs Review ... Jordan Brand takes flight on and off the court — whether that means reaching new creative potentials, redefining basketball’s relationship to style, or bridging sports and culture. Minimum requirements .

- Technology Después de realizadas todas las entrevistas, se hace una oferta al mejor candidato para la internship.¿Es posible presentar solicitudes para más de una internship?Sí, los estudiantes pueden presentar solicitudes para varias internships.Nuestras internships se ofrecen en: - Analytics • You are currently a student of business administration (typically marketing), of sports or a related course (at least 4th semester), or between your Bachelor's and Master's degree - Procurement Ofrecemos programas bien estructurados, con acceso a los líderes y a la oportunidad de obtener experiencia laboral significativa.¿Puedo ingresar al programa de interns despupes de haberme graduado?No; para poder ser seleccionado como intern, debes estar todavía cursando en una universidad o institución educativa de nivel similar.Sí, todas (Nike y Converse) las internships son pagadas.Todas las internships aparecen en este sitio sobre las carreras. Debes presentar tu solicitud directamente en línea.¿Cuál es el mejor momento para presentar la solicitud para el programa de internships de verano?Las oportunidades de internships se publican todo el año. How to apply? Passion for Nike brand and Basketball. Some perks include speaker series with some of Nike's top leaders, training sessions, access to the world's best fitness trainers and fun events around campus.

- Marketing Los estudiantes, para ser tenidos en cuenta, deben tener disponibilidad durante todo el transcurso del programa.

Join our team now! Finanzas, Legal y mucho más.En el programa de internships para Europa Headquaters, ubicado en Hilversum, Amsterdam, los interns están completamente conectados a la cultura de Nike, una cultura de innovación y creatividad.El programa de internships en Nike tiene un alcance global que brinda a los estudiantes la oportunidad de experimentar, vivir, crear y respirar la cultura de la marca.Converse cree en liberar el espíritu que cambiará el mundo. Pueden abrirse pasantías en cualquier momento, así que asegúrate de volver a verificar pronto.

After all interviews are conducted, an offer will be extended to the strongest candidate for the internship.Is it possible to apply to more than one internship?Yes, students can submit applications to multiple internships.Our internships are offered in: New internships can open up any day so be sure to check again soon. - Finance

You must have an active student status for the whole duration of the internship (enrolled in a university/higher education institution) An EU passport or an EU work permit . Eso explica por qué valoramos a los interns dinámicos que no tienen miedo de romper alguna que otra regla.Actualmente, no tenemos ninguna pasantía abierta.

Unfortunately, unless your last name is Knight or Bowerman, securing a job at Nike is notoriously difficult.

-Tecnología So it only makes sense we value energized interns who are inspired to be on the cutting edge of sport.We currently don't have any open internships. Applicants are encouraged to apply early.Each application is reviewed against the requirements of the position.

We offer well-structured programs with access to leadership and an opportunity to gain meaningful career experience.Can I apply for an internship after I’ve graduated?No, to be eligible for an internship you must still be enrolled in a university or equivalent-level school.All internship opportunities are listed on this career site. Located in Beaverton but recruited from all over the world, Nike’s U.S. Internship Program is the ideal opportunity to explore the intersection of all Nike businesses: sport, sustainability, fashion, retail, e-commerce, technology, finance, legal, design and more. -Marketing In 1984, the Air Jordan was the first collaboration between Nike and rising star, Michael Jordan. Located in Beaverton but recruited from all over the world, Nike’s U.S. Internship Program is the ideal opportunity to explore the intersection of all Nike businesses: sport, sustainability, fashion, retail, e-commerce, technology, finance, legal, design and more.Nike’s Internship Program at its European Headquarters in Hilversum, Amsterdam fully immerses interns in the brand’s culture of curiosity and innovation.With operations outside of Oregon and the Netherlands, Nike’s Internship Program has a global reach providing students the opportunity to experience the brand’s culture of curiosity and innovation.Converse believes in unleashing the creative spirit that will change the world. Here’s where the college internship comes in.

- Strategic Planning … -Diseño -Promoción comercial