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The word niggardly has no connection with the highly offensive term nigger, but because of the similarity of sound and its negative meaning of ‘mean, ungenerous’ many people are uncomfortable with using it for fear of causing offence, and in the US it is now widely avoided, miserly, parsimonious, close-fisted, penny-pinching, cheese-paring, penurious, grasping, greedy, avaricious, Scrooge-like, ungenerous, illiberal, close, inadequate, scanty, scant, paltry, limited, restricted, modest, insufficient, sparse, spare, deficient, negligible, insubstantial, skimpy, short, little, lean, small, slight, slender, poor, miserable, pitiful, punyThese Foreign Words And Phrases Are Now Used In EnglishDoes English Have More Words Than Any Other Language?Are You Learning English? Savor those syllables. Here Are Our Top English TipsThe Best Articles To Improve Your English Language Usage Si vous la connaissez, vous pouvez l’ajouter en cliquant ici.
A city councilman lost his job because he used the word niggardly in a report.. Eastwood thinks political correctness has made society humourless
1 Anglais. Sommaire. 1919, W. Somerset Maugham, The Moon and Sixpence, chapter 47 3.
Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free!Learn a new word every day. Possibly cognate to niggle (“miser”). The word niggardly has no connection with the highly offensive term nigger, but because of the similarity of sound and its negative meaning of ‘mean, ungenerous’ many people are uncomfortable with using it for fear of causing offence, and in the US it is now widely avoided, miserly, parsimonious, close-fisted, penny-pinching, cheese-paring, penurious, grasping, greedy, avaricious, Scrooge-like, ungenerous, illiberal, close, inadequate, scanty, scant, paltry, limited, restricted, modest, insufficient, sparse, spare, deficient, negligible, insubstantial, skimpy, short, little, lean, small, slight, slender, poor, miserable, pitiful, punyThese Foreign Words And Phrases Are Now Used In EnglishDoes English Have More Words Than Any Other Language?Are You Learning English? From Wikipedia: In the United States, there have been several controversies involving the word niggardly, an adjective meaning 'stingy' or 'miserly', because of its phonetic similarity to the racial slur nigger. How to use niggardly in a sentence. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Withholding for the sake of meanness; stingy, miserly.quotations ▼ 1. Polemical Works, London, (1808), page 57: 2. Étymologie populaire ou croisée, phénomène par lequel le sujet parlant, se fondant sur certaines ressemblances formelles, rattache une forme donnée à une forme avec laquelle elle n'a … Adjective []. It was while giving a speech in… See definitions of niggardly. In the English language, the word nigger is an ethnic slur typically directed at black people, especially African Americans.. Related words - niggardly synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms and hyponyms.
“Niggardly.” Go on, I dare you. Live-blogging night 4 of the Republican Convention. Definition of niggardly in the Fine Dictionary. Not related to nigger. There's a broad difference between using the term niggardly - which has a totally different meaning and etymology to that of the N word - and saying that a black man is "uppity.". These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'niggardly.'
Find descriptive alternatives for niggardly. Niggardly, meaning miserly, has no racial connotation, but soon rumors begin spreading among some city workers that Howard had used the "N-word." The words niggard and niggardly are sometimes misinterpreted as racial slurs because they sound like the highly offensive word nigger.
Pronunciation of niggardly and it's etymology. The word niggardly has no connection with the highly offensive term nigger, but because of the similarity of sound and its negative meaning of ‘mean, ungenerous’ many people are uncomfortable with using it for fear of causing offence, and in the US it is now widely avoided
Define niggard. IX. Say it. Niggardly (noun: niggard) is an adjective meaning "stingy" or "miserly". Let your tongue caress those consonants. Example sentences containing niggardly It had been speculated that this incident inspired The Howard incident led to a national debate in the U.S., in the context of racial sensitivity and Shortly after the Washington incident, another controversy erupted over the use of the word at the The student's plea, offered as evidence in support of the school's In late January or early February 2002, a white fourth-grade teacher in Norm Shearin, the deputy superintendent of schools for the district, said the teacher made a bad decision by teaching the word because it was inappropriate for that grade level.At some point before the Washington, D.C., incident (of early 1999), On March 31, 2010, a billboard appeared along the frontage of The public controversies caused some commentators to speculate that "niggardly" would be used more often, both in its correct sense and as fodder for humor, as a racist "The word's new lease of life is probably among manufacturers and retailers of sophomoric humor," wrote
Niggardly (noun: niggard) is an adjective meaning "stingy" or "miserly". However, niggard dates back to Middle English. The first element … word that will get u fired...even though it doesn't mean anything offensive From Middle English nigard, nygard (“miser”), from nig (“niggardly person”), possibly of Scandinavian origin; compare Old Norse hnǫggr (“miserly, stingy”). n. A stingy, grasping person; a miser. niggard synonyms, niggard pronunciation, niggard translation, English dictionary definition of niggard.